Update from HIDA scan
Last week, I had an abdominal ultrasound and HIDA scan because of the recurring stomach pain I have, and most of it is on my right side.. My liver enzymes jumped again, and I have some specific minor pain where my gall bladder is. Thus, the docs wanted to check out my gall bladder. Short story is that my gall bladder is fine, so we're back to square one. The next step would be some exploratory surgery, but the pain isn't that bad - it just prevents me from eating (wish I would have had that problem several years ago!!). So we're in a period of watchful waiting - cut out the cholesterol meds, change to yet another PPI (this time I'm on Protonix) recheck liver labs and hope I don't lose more than 5 lbs by August. Both my Primary care doc and my surgeon are watching closely.
66 yrs young, 4'11" hw 220, goal 120 met at 12 months, cw 129 learning Maintainance
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Like I had written before, I suffered for years with unbearable nausau and on and off pain. They said my pain would have been worse but I was on pretty strong narcotics for chronic pains. For about 3 years, I was told everything was normal or they would say it was just sludge which is basically the stuff that makes up gallstones but in lliquid form - it hasnt solidified yet. After years and losing a lot of weight - also, lots of yo-yoing but ultimately losing 80 pounds, I developed stones. Started 1, then within a few months 9 by time I got to surgery there were 25. But for years they said I was fine. Sometimes, it just takes time for them to grow but you have all the symptoms'
The other possibility is that we get so many complications that cant be seen on any testing such as hernias,adhesions, bowel obstructions and twisting of our intestines which cause so m any things. These all cause so many serious things and cant be seen because they are blocked but many surgeons dont realize this. Thankfully your surgeon is aware and is talking exploratory. This is the only way to find so many problems. they go in laproscopically and almost always can fix whatever is wrong. I had 4 sets of adhesions causing my bowels to get all kinked up. thankfully they caught it before an obstructin formed.
So, be careful - if your pain continues and certainly if it gets any worse, please go back. If you get constipated at all, if you stop passing any gas - these are all signs of a bowel obstruction - dont wait - call your surgeon immediately
good luck and keep me posted