Thank you Price for posting this. This board has been such great support to me before and after surgery. You and the other Vets on here are so knowledgable it is amazing. This is where I come for my information.
I am not sure without this support I would have gone through with surgery, as my kids were not thrilled. There were so many success stories I read pre-op here, and being a LW, when so many people said ,"you don't need surgery" this board helped me realize surgery would be the best for me.
I don't post as much as i used to, but read frequently to stay grounded in this journey. I would like to also say THANK YOU ALL too!
Also, welcome Laurie!
I am not sure without this support I would have gone through with surgery, as my kids were not thrilled. There were so many success stories I read pre-op here, and being a LW, when so many people said ,"you don't need surgery" this board helped me realize surgery would be the best for me.
I don't post as much as i used to, but read frequently to stay grounded in this journey. I would like to also say THANK YOU ALL too!
Also, welcome Laurie!