VSG on 04/13/12
Hi Gwen! I found you! I met you at the support group meeting at Overlake. I tried to send you a friend invite, but you must have your profile set up some how so I couldn't send you an invite.
My surgery is about a week and a half out, and I am really starting to use OH more. Thanks for mentioning it in group! Hope to see you soon!
My surgery is about a week and a half out, and I am really starting to use OH more. Thanks for mentioning it in group! Hope to see you soon!
on 4/3/12 9:35 pm
on 4/3/12 9:35 pm
Good Morning Price.....Its soo nice to read posts like this....we are all in this together...we have all had the goods, the bads and the uglys...myself included!!! We all need support and understanding at times .... I really appreciated how much all of you helped me last month with my emergency surgery for bowel obstruction...You all gave me great advice and picked me up when I needed it...thanks for that...Price...You, Roz, Gina, Liz, Tazz and many others have helped with honest advice when called upon...I love this site!!!! I am proud to call you all my friends!!!!
Thanks Price, I am so glad you are on this board and have stayed with us. I loved watching your journey and seeing how successful you have been. I learn just as much from you too. You have done a remarkable job with recovery and your knee surgery.
Maybe one day we can all meet up!! I feel like I have so many new sisters I would love to meet!!
VSG on 04/13/12