I am so tired of people telling me I am too small
I totally understand your pain. I was borderline. If it wasn't for the comorbids I wouldn't have been a candidate for surgery. I was 186 the day of surgery. My highest was around 194. I watched my mom have to have emergency heart surgery at 42. My dad had a heart attack at 38. Knowing I was following in their footsteps was enough for me. The caridologist I was seeing said she thought it would change my path. She said this could truly change your life...go for it. I haven't had to see her since! I no longer take any heart medication. I was also suffering from severe fibromyalgia. My flares have truly been minimized. I am no longer on any medicine for it either. I used to go to the drug store 2 or 3 times a month. Now I just go to get vitamins. I get comments all the time that I am going to blow away~ What have I done to myself, etc. I know this was the best decision for me. You have to do what is best for you!
I totally understand. I too am a lightweight and was on the lower end of the BMI's that they perform surgery on. But I have been on a diet yo-yo my entire life. My highest weight was 190, my day of surgery weight 185. I am three weeks post-op and have lost about 20 pounds. I was very secretive about my surgery because I live in a small community were everyone talks about people. I hate it. So, I didn't tell many people. I had a complete hysterectomy about 2 years ago and after that, the pounds that I had managed to lose crept back on and then some. I had a personal trainer for 9 months on only managed to maintain my weight. Very frustrating. My mom is Morbidly obese and has fought with Fibromyalgia, several cancers, high blood pressure, etc. (when she was my age, she did not have any of these things). I did not want to wind up like my mom. I also did not want to put this off for another 5 years and possilby put 50 more pounds on before having surgery. I did this for me and me only, but also did not want people talking about me so I didn't tell hardly anyone. The few people I told were people who went through the surgery before me and who I talk to about it before making my decison. Since, surgery several people have found out, not because they have seen me and seen the weight loss, but because I guess the couple of people I told let it slip or didn't think it should be a secret. I too have had the comments, you weren't big enough to do that, why did you do that to yourself and the best comment yet. "I guess money will buy you anything". Are you kidding me. Well yes, because I was a lower BMI, I had to pay cash. But so does probably 1/2 to 1/3 of the people having weight loss surgery because insurance is very hard and takes a long time to get approved. It has hurt my feelings and pissed me off all in the same breath. No one should judge us until they walk a day in our shoes. This decision is a very personal decision and is nobody's business. I have come to the conclusion that some of the people who judge us are just jealous. Don't get me wrong, I have also had some tremendous support from my family and a few very close friends. I have to say this was one of the best decisions I have ever made for myself. Even though I have only lost 20 pounds so far (which is my fault, I have not been eating as much as I need to everyday) I feel amazing. I have energy I have not had in a very long time. I also had a hyatal hernia repaired. My reflux has subsided tremendously. My only downside since this surgery is that I became lactose intolerant. I am hoping this is temporary, but if it is not, I still would have had this surgery. One of the best decisions I have ever done for myself. Good luck with your surgery you will do great and feel great. Ignore the ignorant people around you who don't approve they are probably just jealous of the decision you made for yourself.