Carbs are my worst enemy!!! ARGGGHHH!!!
Thanks for the help, everyone!
I told my nutritionist today that it seems easier to eat no carbs than to eat just a little. She said that she wants me to eat small amounts of carbs now (pre-op) and again once I am back to eating regular food post-op.
I don't think it will work for me.
I cannot eat half a cup of pasta. Two, three cups - no problem. Half a cup, fuhgeddaboutit!
So I am experimenting with no carbs (except veggies and some fruit) and so far so good.
I told my nutritionist today that it seems easier to eat no carbs than to eat just a little. She said that she wants me to eat small amounts of carbs now (pre-op) and again once I am back to eating regular food post-op.
I don't think it will work for me.
I cannot eat half a cup of pasta. Two, three cups - no problem. Half a cup, fuhgeddaboutit!
So I am experimenting with no carbs (except veggies and some fruit) and so far so good.
Nuts advice is good to a point...and then they start doing cookie cutter plans for everybody not taking into account how differently we all are. If the cookie cutter approach worked we wouldn't be on this site ,would we?
I think you have to look at what she says,take what you can use and leave the rest. I am like you,I am terrible sensitive to carbs and terrible addicted. The withdrawal symptoms for detoxing from sugar/carbs,is the sam as those of withfrawing from cocaine! That is really pretty serious. It has taken me a long time to realize that I really can't have any carbs except those in veggies like brocolli and cauli,etc,or it sets me up for a binge every time. Even when I add in good carbs like beans and brown rice,it stops my loss cold in its tracks.
Does that mean I never have carbs? Not yet,though that is my goal. I wish I had never let the first carb back into my life about this time last year when I went on vacation. It was not a struggle then to avoid them and I didn;t crave them. Now it is a struggle and I do crave them. I am going to keep detoxing until it sticks,whatever that takes. I still have 50# to lose and I want to lose it.
You know yourself best...some peopl;e will say your nut knows best. I say those people need to get their heads outta their azzes and get real. Your nut won't and can't always know what is best;she doesn't know you reallly.
I think you have to look at what she says,take what you can use and leave the rest. I am like you,I am terrible sensitive to carbs and terrible addicted. The withdrawal symptoms for detoxing from sugar/carbs,is the sam as those of withfrawing from cocaine! That is really pretty serious. It has taken me a long time to realize that I really can't have any carbs except those in veggies like brocolli and cauli,etc,or it sets me up for a binge every time. Even when I add in good carbs like beans and brown rice,it stops my loss cold in its tracks.
Does that mean I never have carbs? Not yet,though that is my goal. I wish I had never let the first carb back into my life about this time last year when I went on vacation. It was not a struggle then to avoid them and I didn;t crave them. Now it is a struggle and I do crave them. I am going to keep detoxing until it sticks,whatever that takes. I still have 50# to lose and I want to lose it.
You know yourself best...some peopl;e will say your nut knows best. I say those people need to get their heads outta their azzes and get real. Your nut won't and can't always know what is best;she doesn't know you reallly.