munch, munch,munch

Stacey N.
on 5/6/11 2:54 am - Chesapeake, VA
Serious munchies today! Belly is even GROWLING, I cant feed it fast enough. I have taken a walk, weeded the garden and have done some serious cleaning trying to get my head off of it....
Had my morning protein coffee
grabbed 1 vanilla wafer (bad me then trew them away)
have had 36 oz of fluids
even had a bowl of chicken soup from the other night
now am eating a greek yogurt....

What can I do to make this craving stop,  It has been going on all week and I have been fighting it....Anyone have any pointers to make it go away???

I will say most of the week has been head hunger and I have been able to avoid it, today not so much... Please HELP!

HW-220 SW 205 4'11"
(deactivated member)
on 5/6/11 3:39 am
Stacey, I don't know how to help other than say, allow yourself to feel it one day and the next you conquer it. I get hungry ten days before my period, ALWAYS, but I don't get it for more than one day.
You seem to be doing a good job of making good choices, keep up the water and that will prevent you from eating because I find the one for sure rule to follow is NO liquids with food.
Get away from the kitchen, walk, call a friend for coffee.
You can do it.
(deactivated member)
on 5/6/11 5:56 am, edited 5/6/11 5:57 am
I would do an OA meeting online ... and write some steps and share them with my sponsor ..

in the long run I find it lowers the internal pressure to overeat PERMANENTLY . Yep its a REAL relief ... and i don't think I'd be maintaining a nearly hundred lb weight loss relatively effortlessly without it no way nohow to tell the truth ...

its kind of like free therapy honestly .. with a built in round-the world - round-the clock enthusiastic live support group U can access anytime ( well every three hours )
on 5/6/11 6:05 am
Are you getting enough to eat?  Could you be hungry because, well, you are hungry?  I know there is head hunger and real hunger and it can be hard to tell the difference.  Honestly, I haven't really had a problem, thank God, but if I did I would grab a protein drink and see if that helps.  Usually I get filled up with a protein drink or snack so if I still felt hunger I would figure it was head hunger at that point.
I just want to make sure you are getting enough to eat and not feeling hungry because you aren't eating enough.

WLS 10/28/2002 Revision 7/23/2010

High Weight  (2002) 240 Revision Weight (2010) 220 Current Weight 115.

on 5/6/11 6:08 am
I too get seriously hungry right before my period..its the only time of the month I am actually hungry and honestly I do eat more that day...I still track what I eat and still try to keep my carbs in line but the calories do go up.  I always make sure I drink some water first then if im still hungry I will do a protein shake..and then if I am still hungry I will eat a small bite of whatever it is im craving and then im good..
HW: 260? SW: 242 Surgeons GW: 150 First GW: 140 Second GW: 130 CW: 122      
Price S.
on 5/6/11 8:03 am - Mills River, NC
I don't have a TOM anymore, haven't for years so I don't have to deal with that.

I think part of why I don't get the munchies, or not often at least, is that I am always eating or drinking something.  I start with 2 large cups of protein decaf, then in about an hour have breakfast.  Wait 30-45 min and have 2.5 c of herb tea.  By the time I am done with that, it is about time for lunch.  then wait and have another 2.5c of herb tea, then afternoon snack and again, wait til time to drink.  Then supper, wait, then the last protein drink. 

Yeah, there are some times that I am watching the clock and think I am hungry early and some of those times, I add in another snack.  That doesn't happen often.  I always try to make good choices but sometimes have more carbs that I would like.  Today I had 1/2 a sandwich round with breakfast, then later had a cup of bean soup which put my carbs up.  I try to only do one high carb thing a day. but somedays, that is what happens because that is what I have, is easy, or want.

    LW-Apple-Gold-Small.jpg image by PlicketyCat  66 yrs young, 4'11"  hw  220, goal 120 met at 12 months, cw 129 learning Maintainance

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on 5/6/11 8:31 am
Yup!  I always know when I am due for my period. I eat and eat and eat like there is no tomorrow.  It mentally makes me sick but I can't stop.  I have even gone to bed as early as 7 PM to stop eating.  In the end it is 1 day try to make healthy choices (Very hard on those days) and stay a fresh tomorrow.  I tend to try and cut back on the calories a little the following day. Not sure if it is the right thing but It works for me.  Good luck. I know it makes me feel like a failure although I know I am not.
Sheri F.   
LW-Apple-Gold-Small.jpg image by PlicketyCat
on 5/6/11 3:23 pm - Northern, CA
If your stomach is growling, it might be stomach acid. If you aren't taking a PPI, you might try one and, if you are taking one, you might try upping the dose.

HW - 225 SW - 191 GW - 132 CW - 122
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on 5/6/11 11:41 pm - Eastlake, OH
I think you may be physically hungry after all you have been through with your gall bladder. I hope you are feeling better, and is the tube out?

Just make good choices and see what happens.

Also, is there anything nagging at you? If you think its head hunger what is the stressor that is causing it and how can you change or address it?

Good luck!


SW 230 Preop 205 GW 130 LW 131 CW 135 Ht 5'1"

Stacey N.
on 5/7/11 1:52 am - Chesapeake, VA
The tubes are still in and I have been wondering if it really is my body just telling me I need more.Hopefully they will be removed on the 13th. I gave in yesterday and today I am not munching or feeling hungry at all... Yes I am on a PPI 40 mg of Nexium a day and Doc does not want to increse it at all yet.

Is there something nagging at me, yes there always is, recently it is school.. So any advice on how to not stress over it so much?

HW-220 SW 205 4'11"
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