Submitted to Insurance!!!
I've been submitted for approval!!!! (again) The story was that BCBS suddenly changed the supervised diet from 3 to 6 months... two weeks before I finished my 3 month diet. So my fabulous insurance lady from my surgeon's office went to the VP of Boeing Benefits to straighten things out. Here is her email:
I have received confirmation from the V.P. of Boeing Benefits, that for the calendar year of 2011, your supervised diet requirement is to be 3 MONTHS.BCBS mistakenly overlooked the fact that an agreement was in place with Boeing that your medical policy would not change until the next calendar year (1/1/2012). Congratulations! I re-submitted you yesterday for reprocessing, also with April chart note. Your EKG was received as well.
Ahhh!! This might actually happen for me! I'm going to get started on the Atkins diet because I know I have to do two weeks of that before the surgery. May as well start now!!!

I didn't have to do any specific time frame but my Dr required 12 support meetings so that took quite a few months.
so glad you are on your way.
66 yrs young, 4'11" hw 220, goal 120 met at 12 months, cw 129 learning Maintainance
Between 35-40 BMI? join us on the Lightweight board. the Lightweight Board
Less then a week.... that would be a dream!!
Thanks for the good wishes!!
My birthday is May 28, wouldn't it be awesome to have the surgery before my bday?!

That said, I hope your process goes smoothly and you get what you want and need.
Maybe we could be "buddies" - hopefully will have surgery in May - they thought May 30th would be around time it could be scheduled. They called to schedule my pre-op testing - which will be May 9th!