Have U guys ever felt depressed ?
(deactivated member)
on 3/15/11 9:57 am
on 3/15/11 9:57 am
This is kind of embarassing to admit but I don't think I'm nearly all alone when I say that emotionally this new lighter body also carries a lot less EMOTIONAL padding than I'm used to ...
Mind U I'm not really complaining ... but persistent problems seem to come up that demand solutions rather than passively hiding my head in the sand of excess food and burying my pain ... ( and fear of confrontation and probably laziness too ) ....
Sometimes I just feel like I am not well equipped to handle these changes !
maybe .. well therapy IS the solution ... much as I hate to admit it .
Gosh I hate to PAY a friend to listen to me ... thats what I picture therapy to be like .... but maybe its actually something else entirely and I'm just PREJUDICED ....
Anyone have any happy stories about therapy - like finally losing weight after seeing a therapist ? My Fattest part is probably my Hard Head ...Lol
cut That off .. I'd be at GOAL WEIGHT 
Mind U I'm not really complaining ... but persistent problems seem to come up that demand solutions rather than passively hiding my head in the sand of excess food and burying my pain ... ( and fear of confrontation and probably laziness too ) ....
Sometimes I just feel like I am not well equipped to handle these changes !
maybe .. well therapy IS the solution ... much as I hate to admit it .
Gosh I hate to PAY a friend to listen to me ... thats what I picture therapy to be like .... but maybe its actually something else entirely and I'm just PREJUDICED ....

Anyone have any happy stories about therapy - like finally losing weight after seeing a therapist ? My Fattest part is probably my Hard Head ...Lol

Yes, I know people who have been to therapy and gotten help for really difficult life issues, but you have to be READY for therapy or it won't help you at all. I've been incredibly unhappy since having surgery but don't feel ready to ask for help yet, so I know how you feel. Just wanted to let you know that you're not alone.
(deactivated member)
on 3/15/11 11:41 am
on 3/15/11 11:41 am
((((((((( Danielle))))))) I'm so sorry Ure feeling bad since having surgery . I went through abut 6 - 8 weeks of mostly mental withdrawals too ...
and the funny thing is whenever I push myself to a new limit ..say limiting carbs ..... it FEELS kind of like im starting over ( in a much smaller way though )
So I can relate .
I guess we're just sensitive creatures lol .
Just want U to know I'm here for U if U feel like venting ... no judgment ... hey its a LEARNING experience for all of us . We need to FIGURE this thing out in a sympathetic environment lol .... we DESERVE that .....
and gosh darn it we're so used to harsh judgment , criticism and censorship ..we wont speak out !
well , guess what
Im gonna be a rebel and say its NOT always Hunky dory ...so what ?
I think if we talk about what ails us and how we truly feel ..... well we just might learn to cope a little better ...
and the funny thing is whenever I push myself to a new limit ..say limiting carbs ..... it FEELS kind of like im starting over ( in a much smaller way though )
So I can relate .
I guess we're just sensitive creatures lol .
Just want U to know I'm here for U if U feel like venting ... no judgment ... hey its a LEARNING experience for all of us . We need to FIGURE this thing out in a sympathetic environment lol .... we DESERVE that .....
and gosh darn it we're so used to harsh judgment , criticism and censorship ..we wont speak out !
well , guess what

I think if we talk about what ails us and how we truly feel ..... well we just might learn to cope a little better ...
*cuddles n'snuggles n'love*
It's been a tough eight months, and it doesn't help that even 20 pounds heavier than my true goal, I am starting to look like a bobblehead (I kid you not). It's just my broad-shouldered body type. I look gross, despite hours at the gym. I've actually been experimenting for a couple of weeks with something pretty drastic that I bet other WLSers haven't done-veganism! And it's making me a little more optimistic because even after a few days, my health has drastically improved, so we'll see. I know I'll be okay, just have to keep on trucking!
It's ok to have rough days. That's part of HOW we cope!
It's been a tough eight months, and it doesn't help that even 20 pounds heavier than my true goal, I am starting to look like a bobblehead (I kid you not). It's just my broad-shouldered body type. I look gross, despite hours at the gym. I've actually been experimenting for a couple of weeks with something pretty drastic that I bet other WLSers haven't done-veganism! And it's making me a little more optimistic because even after a few days, my health has drastically improved, so we'll see. I know I'll be okay, just have to keep on trucking!
It's ok to have rough days. That's part of HOW we cope!
(deactivated member)
on 3/15/11 3:13 pm
on 3/15/11 3:13 pm
well for what its worth my neighbors were vegans and boy did she have a seriously rockin enviable defined bod .... just from GARDENING for God's sakes ... and in her Sixties !!!!
I mean this chick had abs to die for ..... and great legs ... and shoulders.. and arms.. ( and by the way the FOOD wasnt bad either - we used to get invited over for vegan barbeques - read portobello mushroom caps filled with cheese .....
both she and her husband lookedan easy twenty years younger than they actually WERE too....
I mean this chick had abs to die for ..... and great legs ... and shoulders.. and arms.. ( and by the way the FOOD wasnt bad either - we used to get invited over for vegan barbeques - read portobello mushroom caps filled with cheese .....
both she and her husband lookedan easy twenty years younger than they actually WERE too....
(deactivated member)
on 3/16/11 1:08 am, edited 3/16/11 1:12 am
on 3/16/11 1:08 am, edited 3/16/11 1:12 am
Im not so sure about that .Danielle ... look at Brandilynn , look at Ms Gina... for goodness sakes U can even lookit lil ole VERY imperfectly doing this me...
I see the loose skin pulling in every day a little bit more ... ok its not PERFECT on my wost parts 18 months post , its not tight as a DRUM or as an eight year olds ' but darn it its not that bad . Sometimes I think our impatient perfection-demanding HEADS that our our biggest problems lol ...
I mean even if we had EVERYTHING we imagine we want would we truly be happy or would we be yearning for the next thing just out of reach ?
Have U given the 2% salicylic acid daily scrub / sun regimen an honest try ? because I really find it helps tighten the skin up significantly .
((((()))))))) big hugs Ava
I see the loose skin pulling in every day a little bit more ... ok its not PERFECT on my wost parts 18 months post , its not tight as a DRUM or as an eight year olds ' but darn it its not that bad . Sometimes I think our impatient perfection-demanding HEADS that our our biggest problems lol ...
I mean even if we had EVERYTHING we imagine we want would we truly be happy or would we be yearning for the next thing just out of reach ?
Have U given the 2% salicylic acid daily scrub / sun regimen an honest try ? because I really find it helps tighten the skin up significantly .

Yes, so far so good, I'm getting enough protein. I eat beans, rice, tofu, tempeh, and a mix of vegetables that are high in protein. There are also "fake" meats like tofurky and soy burgers, vegan frozen meals by Amy's, additives like nutritional yeast, and vegan protein powders that are surprisingly palatable and don't upset my stomach like the whey does. Since switching to veganism I have experienced no constipation or diarrhea, both of which I was having problems with before, no migraines, which I was getting weekly or more, and I feel energetic and more positive. Also, despite getting more calories and well over 100 carbs (which freaked me out at first, I haven't gained weight and may have lost some. My skin is clear and I just feel better!