3 week stall -- feeling like a failed dieter
(deactivated member)
on 3/9/11 1:18 am
on 3/9/11 1:18 am
There really is no worse feeling than waiting for the scale to go down ( so what .. we can begin LIVING ?! ) .. except the even more frustrating one 
when despite our best efforts the darn thing went UP lol ...
U will not stall forever ...
U will LOSE
Ur chances of losing permanently now are better than ever
and ... the BEST thing U can do is if U possibly can... get out and MOVE some more ...
( also drink water that helps )
sometimes it helps to go try on some jeans or something ... at least it really helped me put things in perspective ... because I was losing size ...
big hug Sweetheart we've ALL been there ...

U will not stall forever ...
U will LOSE
Ur chances of losing permanently now are better than ever
and ... the BEST thing U can do is if U possibly can... get out and MOVE some more ...
( also drink water that helps )
sometimes it helps to go try on some jeans or something ... at least it really helped me put things in perspective ... because I was losing size ...

Thank you everyone who weighed in.
Thanks, Price, for reminding me that I haven't tried my samples of Lemon Nectar tea. I will do that as soon as my 30 minutes are up for the sugar free vanilla pudding I just ate (without protein). And I'm going to order some Roadside Lemonade as I can keep that down if I put it in tea. Ruthie, I'm not sure I can go through 6 containers of that stuff, no matter what the savings.
I have tried hiding unjury protein powder in EVERYTHING. I can choke it down in highly seasoned super broth, that's about it. Last night I made a choc shake with choc unjury-- according to someone's directions. I ate 1/4 of it before I got nauseated. An hour before that I tried unflavored unjury in homemade miso soup with tofu. Down the drain it went after 10 sips. This morning, I tried vanilla unjury with vanilla sugar free pudding. Could NOT get it past my nose. BLEECH!
Thank GOD Gina told me about Starbucks protein powder. I go get a starbucks latte and get 30 grams of protein. BOOM. But at nearly $5 a pop, I'm spending as much on coffee as I did on work lunch.
This wouldn't bother me so much, but I am beginning to feel weak. And I'm a fairly hearty kinda gal. I just feel wobbly...
And Liz, after weighing myself today and STILL no leftways movement of my scale weight slider, I've mentally locked the door on the bathroom until SUNDAY as you suggest.
Thanks, Price, for reminding me that I haven't tried my samples of Lemon Nectar tea. I will do that as soon as my 30 minutes are up for the sugar free vanilla pudding I just ate (without protein). And I'm going to order some Roadside Lemonade as I can keep that down if I put it in tea. Ruthie, I'm not sure I can go through 6 containers of that stuff, no matter what the savings.
I have tried hiding unjury protein powder in EVERYTHING. I can choke it down in highly seasoned super broth, that's about it. Last night I made a choc shake with choc unjury-- according to someone's directions. I ate 1/4 of it before I got nauseated. An hour before that I tried unflavored unjury in homemade miso soup with tofu. Down the drain it went after 10 sips. This morning, I tried vanilla unjury with vanilla sugar free pudding. Could NOT get it past my nose. BLEECH!
Thank GOD Gina told me about Starbucks protein powder. I go get a starbucks latte and get 30 grams of protein. BOOM. But at nearly $5 a pop, I'm spending as much on coffee as I did on work lunch.
This wouldn't bother me so much, but I am beginning to feel weak. And I'm a fairly hearty kinda gal. I just feel wobbly...
And Liz, after weighing myself today and STILL no leftways movement of my scale weight slider, I've mentally locked the door on the bathroom until SUNDAY as you suggest.
Catching up..
Tracey, do all whey proteins make you nauseous, or just Unjury? I got really nauseous on all whey right after my sleeve surgery, so I switched to Jay Robb egg white protein powder, and I tolerate it just fine. It has 24g per scoop, so it's a decent amount. It really sucks how much we have to do trial and error with shakes after surgery. :(
Tracey, do all whey proteins make you nauseous, or just Unjury? I got really nauseous on all whey right after my sleeve surgery, so I switched to Jay Robb egg white protein powder, and I tolerate it just fine. It has 24g per scoop, so it's a decent amount. It really sucks how much we have to do trial and error with shakes after surgery. :(
Hi Abby,
You are so right when you say "It really sucks how much we have to do trial and error with shakes after surgery." I'm exhausted from trying recipes that I can't eat.
The unjury is the worst. The EAS doesn't sit well either, but the Synthrax Nectars aren't as bad (they're bad, but don't turn my stomach).
I think it's more the smell than anything. I have always had a "nose" and I can smell things that many other folks can't. For example, I can smell palm oil or coconut oil in candy when other folks can't. I need to find ways to hide the smell.... cinnamon does it for some things, other things like for soup I've been using lots of Penzey's spices. But I can't figure out what to put in the chocoate that hides the smell. And it's hell to drink everything with protein powder out of the equivalent of a grown up's sippy cup.
Where did you get the Jay Robb?
You are so right when you say "It really sucks how much we have to do trial and error with shakes after surgery." I'm exhausted from trying recipes that I can't eat.
The unjury is the worst. The EAS doesn't sit well either, but the Synthrax Nectars aren't as bad (they're bad, but don't turn my stomach).
I think it's more the smell than anything. I have always had a "nose" and I can smell things that many other folks can't. For example, I can smell palm oil or coconut oil in candy when other folks can't. I need to find ways to hide the smell.... cinnamon does it for some things, other things like for soup I've been using lots of Penzey's spices. But I can't figure out what to put in the chocoate that hides the smell. And it's hell to drink everything with protein powder out of the equivalent of a grown up's sippy cup.
Where did you get the Jay Robb?
I ordered some syntrax natural samples just to see if I tolerate the whey better now that I'm almost 3 mos out. I hope I tolerate them.
I got the Jay Robb first from GNC, but then I ordered larger containers from amazon after I knew I could tolerate it relatively well. The strawberry one is tolerable in water only, so that saves calories for me and I like that. Have you seen those shaker cup things that have a whisk ball in them? They have a small spout that you drink from, which looks more adult than a sippy cup-style cup. :) They sell them at GNC, but I got mine from Celebrate Vitamins for less.
I got the Jay Robb first from GNC, but then I ordered larger containers from amazon after I knew I could tolerate it relatively well. The strawberry one is tolerable in water only, so that saves calories for me and I like that. Have you seen those shaker cup things that have a whisk ball in them? They have a small spout that you drink from, which looks more adult than a sippy cup-style cup. :) They sell them at GNC, but I got mine from Celebrate Vitamins for less.