Good Morning. Looks like we have an eastbound storm
What's on your to-do list this week?
I have a boatload of dry cleaning to take in and we need to start getting things together to do taxes. Let's see...I need to make a quick trip to VitaminShoppe and Bath and Body Works. Gotta make a big pot of chili tonight. I think that's it.
Y'all have a great Monday!
5'1" -- HW 195/SW 187/GW 115 July 08/CW 121 Dec 2012
Starting BMI between 35 and 40ish?
Join us on the Lightweights Board!
DS on Aug 9, 2007 with Dr. Hazem Elariny
I am looking forward to getting something done with my hair. I feel like I'm balding. It is thicker on the bottom and thins as it goes up my head. DH can't tell the difference, but I can!
Gotta finish packing. Happy Monday!
66 yrs young, 4'11" hw 220, goal 120 met at 12 months, cw 129 learning Maintainance
Between 35-40 BMI? join us on the Lightweight board. the Lightweight Board
on 2/27/11 9:27 pm, edited 2/27/11 9:42 pm
so I discover this morning that nothing got done ...

I should wake him up by "accidentally " throwing a pot of cold water over him

AFTER the show its onto a brand new mortgage application with Wells Fargo for the same property they conditionally approved us for PROVIDED hubby sold his present house first back in December . Thats an issue because obviously he can't sell it that fast now they are " recalculating " GRRR. Of course interest rates are higher ... Ill just be glad to get in there no matter HOW at this point .... IF we can...

Hubs and I really need a new marital home too ... this situation of where I am coming there as a ( not very welcome - especially by his son) VISITOR on the weekends working like a dog free to renovate the place getting SCREAMED at by a bunch of hoarders ( understandably ) reluctant to part with their stuff is not making our marriage any happier .. on EITHER side lol . I feel unappreciated .. he feels browbeaten and berated ... and I am fundamentally angry that I was lured into this marriage on false pretenses since he DID propose to me with that house .
And I on the other hand am losing a bunch of MY income because I am working for free on his place .... and getting literally nothing in return. NOT to mention my on camera career lol which passes in dog years for women.....
So I guess this is a last ditch effort which will either work or not . I don't think I will stay in the marriage if it doesn't . So far I have gotten literally NOTHING out of this marriage but aggravation.
Rainy thoughts for a rainy day .... but I know I deserve better than this ... I think FAT and depressed I would have wasted ten years trying to make it work ... now Ill just recognize it as a mistake and get an anullment and move on ...

Do what you need to do and what makes YOU happy. Perhaps the threat of you annuling the marriage will get him off his duff and he'll know you're serious and he can't just run over you at his (and his son's) will.
HW-218/SW-208/CW-126/ Lowest Weight-121/Goal-125 - hit 8/23/09/Height-5'3"
Regain 30 lbs from 2012 to 2016 - got back on track and lost it. Took 8 months.
90+/- pounds lost BMI - 24 or so
Starting BMI between 35 and 40ish?
Join us on the Lightweights Board!
I love Bath & Body Works..I took my girls there last week. I let them pick out one of the mini's (lotion or Body spray) They thought the world of that little mini trip lol. I love the sweet pea! I think that is my all time favorite.
Taxes shewww thank goodness mine is done lol...I'm an early filer lol...
My week's outlook gosh with 6 kids do you all really want to know :)
Today: Online tutoring ( I have a home school daughter), all over house clean, help out at my church
Tuesday: Jayden shots, pto meeting at my kids school, dance class with my girls
Wednesday: Speech class for my son, Church
Thursday: restock my pantry, meeting at my son schools, Gym class for my boys, Birthday party
Friday: Hubby has class, 2 hour for Mommy time, School testing for my daughter, Movie night with my kids.
Saturday: My daughter's birthday party turning 10 :(
Sunday Church....And family time!
Sheww ok there is it. WOW and I'm going to add a job to all of this lol...
Hope you all of a very blessed week! Its nice wet and cold here right now :(
Yesterday I raked leaves out of my mid-sized azalea/dogwood bed. Took me about 90 minutes, and I noticed my hamstrings are feeling it today. Good! I'm going to capitalize on that today and walk outside for 30 minutes. Not sure if I'll tackle our neighborhood, which is one hill after the other, but I might walk the local park which is flat. I downloaded the C25K podcasts (thank you all for mentioning it) and I'm going to begin that plan.
For the rest of the week? Lordy, right now I'm taking it day by day. This is day 14 post-op for me.
I broke the 180s this morning.
Ava, come on down here and you can enjoy them with me. Most of my azaleas are late and mid-late blooming, so about mid to late April unless the weather gets REAL warm.
I ended up not walking, the garden called me again. So I raked my kitchen garden and my large azalea bed of winter leaves, I also did pull some weeds (they're easy since the soil is so loose), but noticed that the bending over wasn't the best for me. My heart just fell when I realized two 16 year old azaleas, planted the year I built my house, had died. Last year was hard on azaleas, all the snow and freezing weather, and that's 10 azaleas I've lost in two years. I feel an azalea buying spree in my near future. Maybe more dogwoods, something to be a natural transition between garden and woods, behind where the large azalea bed is now.
My garden's three special visitors from a couple years back: 3 cardinals in our mock orange that is in front of our side bedroom window.