??? Gall Bladder attack

I have stones but the HIDA scan showed they aren't blocking anything and I have normal "flow" of juices or whatever. They would not take it out yet with no history of "attacks'. I'm glad because i would have had horrible memories of the RNY surgery versus the pleasant ones I ended up with. LOL
Fingers crossed I never need it done, or that it happens before my insurance runs out at 65 and I have to switch to Medicare if it still exists.
I had a lot of various pains in my side/back/chest. I just thought it was from the cholesterol meds which can cause muscle aches. In September I was on a flight to Denver and thought I was having a heart attack. I knew it was just more of the same type of pains so I didn't say a word to my assistant who was traveling with me to a conference. That attack was enough to have me make an appointment with my PCP. I walked in saying that I needed to get off the cholesterol meds because they were making me miserable.
It was at that appointment that she suggested WLS to me and the rest is history. My gallbladder came out two weeks later and my WLS orientation was 1 month later. My surgery was 3 months after my orientation. Thank goodness for that gallbladder flare up or I'd still be 249, or probably even more by now!
HW: 249 SW: 229 GW: 149 Age: 63 - Body by Sauceda - 12/2011
I have been getting a sharp (drop me to my knees pain) in my side, will last anywhere between 3-15 minutes at a time. When it is over it is so sore and tender to touch.
It has gotten where the pain is a steady constant nagging issue.
I had my gall bladder checked prior to surgery and they said it looked great, although I have always had some pain there, they never found anything.
Hate to say it but when I talk to him this week I may just demand they remove it, just to get relief from the constant pain... Oh walking makes it worse.