My name is Sue
You have become my friends during this journey and I just wanted to tell you that my name is Sue. Lucy is the name of my very much loved scottish fold cat. She is a rescue kitty, very tiny, like 5 pounds, and very shy, only loves me. Thank you for posting the wise advice that you do, and for having a friendly supportive forum.
IF i could EVER get another bully I would be on it so fast! We lost our baby a year and a half ago and know we cant afford to buy another one. They are the MOST amazing dogs to ever walk.
(Yes I am biased)
Would you post a picture PLEASE!!!!!
I have 2 rescue kitties, my black petite princess named Cola and her offspring Coka. Then an adopted older kitty , grey short hair named Noble ( he was named that when we got him)
I also have a long legged Pomeranian ( rescued) he was in very bad shape when we recieved him and I have my mothers Chihuahua/jack russel. I miss my Bully though.
Stacey, our bulldog is a rescued female that was used for breeding. Someone left her tied up behind the vets office in a town about 50 miles from where we live. They were closed for a few days and the poor dog was freezing and in horrible condition. We heard they were going to have to put her to sleep so we drove to her and after feeling that we could at least give her a little while to feel loved, we adopted her. They said she was about 9 years old, but we really don't know. We named her Molly, and I call her Molly Bee. She only has one eye and the other one had the condition where her eyelashes turn in and scratch the cornea. She also had a tumor on the side of her paw and a horrible skin condition. We've had her eye operated on to releave the pain, had the tumor removed, and my husband gives her baths twice a week, gives her benedryl, and rubs cortisone on her skin. He's very devoted to her, and our pugs let her sleep with them. She has some kind of respiratory problem, not sure if it's an enlarged heart, or what, but we have now had her for six months and she's doing fine. She can't really see, so we have to make sure we're in front of her when we take her out. Once out, she navigates great. I'll try to post a picture of her.