I kind of hesitated to post.. (long)

(deactivated member)
on 1/23/11 2:12 am
And I would never post this on the VSG main forum. There are some really nasty people there who seem to get off on chastising and berating people for not doing their post op exactly how they did.

I've not been "loving my sleeve" as so many people put it, and I'm so jealous of those who do right off the bat. The problems I've been having have been nowhere NEAR as severe or scary as some people's complications. However, this has been really hard for me for several reasons, the first being that my nurse practitioner is not responding to my emails asking if she would be willing to see me for post-op concerns. I am thinking of finding a new one, because she could have at least said, "You know, I just don't feel comfortable, but I can refer to you to XXX person." The second is the acid reflux. I knew it could get bad right after surgery, but wow, this has been really a challenge for me. I'm using up the Nexium I got in Mexico, and it works ok. I still have to use Gaviscon at night and sleep on a wedge pillow. It's making my stomach rumble and growl like I'm hungry, and it's so uncomfortable, especially because it really only happens at night when I am trying to sleep. Unfortunately, Nexium seems to be the only PPI NOT covered by my insurance. Awesome. I am seeing a gastroenterologist on Feb 2 to see if she will do my 3 mo post op upper GI series and help me out with the reflux. I hope there is another med that works. So far, it's a no go on Prevacid and Prilosec/Zegerid. The third is that I can't tolerate milk, whey protein or most protein drinks/shakes. It's very hard for me to get the protein drinks down, and I'm really worried about my protein intake because I just can't get over 60 from food 1 mo out. I found an egg protein shake (Jay Robb) that sits better than all the other shakes I've tried, but it's still a challenge to get even one down a day. Add to that, I can't drink milk or eat cottage cheese--they both give me nausea. Greek yogurt, fresh mozzarella and harder cheese are ok, though. Fourth, (yeah, this is a long list) I am concerned about how much I can comfortably eat. I know it's possible that my stomach's swelling is going down quickly, but I can't help but be paranoid. My dear, awesome husband keeps telling me to stop freaking out about this because I am NOT eating more than 1/2c food at a time unless it's complete liquid, but having failed every other effort before, I'm just really, really scared this isn't going to work. Fifth, and this is related to the fourth, the damn hormones making my emotions crazy and thoughts illogical. Sixth, I might be hitting a stall, which only fuels 4th and 5th items, making me tell myself I am going to fail fail FAIL once again. OMG, self, get it together!! 

There are some other things.. like I am tired of eating meat and cheese all the time and would really like some veggies. I asked my surgeon's team when I could have cooked veggies: they said now would be ok. They did not warn me what it might be like if my stomach doesn't agree with something I've tried. I had a piece of steamed broccoli, chewed it up REALLY, REALLY well, and swallowed. Well, what followed felt like 2 minutes of the worst pain I could imagine. I was sweating, kind of woosy, and it felt like someone had stabbed me in the sternum. I could feel my stomach churning it up and I wanted to die. That didn't help my emotional state which was screaming, "WHAT DID YOU DO TO YOURSELF? I just want to feel normal again!" Yeah, so broccoli is a no for now. This episode also made me freak out about a leak. I really think I should stop reading the VSG board, to be honest. They are very fear-mongery and condescending at times. Or maybe it's just my emotional affect filtering the posts. I don't know.

Because my stomach has been so picky and the reflux was so bad for a time, I have been eating way more carbs than I should have, such as gluten free crackers to soothe the stomach, mashed potatoes because that's what felt good going down, etc. I don't necessarily feel bad about that, because there were days when I needed calories and nothing else felt ok or in the case of the crackers it was the only thing that calmed down the acid, but it can bring on a lot of guilt for sure.

Add to that, my brother-in-law and his wife just had a baby, and mutual friends are really being insensitive to my husband and me, telling us we should be sending them money to "help out" because they need assistance, even though both grandmas are staying there with them. Not once do they ask how I am doing or consider that we have been having a very hard time with all the extra costs to help with my issues--the wedge pillow, all the OTC PPIs, soups/foods tried but that don't work for my stomach, etc. We're kind of strained financially and emotionally and it hurt a lot that they don't seem to care.

So, there ya go. My pity party. I hope it's ok I posted it here. I am trying so hard to be positive and focus on that it will get better, and hell, it HAS gotten better since the worst of it, but it can be hard to really see things when vision is clouded with funk.

on 1/23/11 2:34 am
Okay, another PPI to try but it requires a prescription is protonix. Ask your gastro for it, he may have to do a prior authrization to get it covered on your prescription plan but it was only one of two *I* could use that worked.

Protein drink: try a rice one if the whey or soy doesn't work.

You may have developed lactose intolerance. Try almond milk or lactaid or goats milk for awhile and see what happens. In fact, try cutting all milk out for awhile.

Stalls happen, you been "starving your body for awhile", it's telling you no, let it, give it a few more calories in the form of more protein and let it think it's won, and then cut back again in a week or so.

Broccoli is GASSY, try a veggie that isn't.

As far as the insensitive people, they forget in the face of cute babies that others may need help.

I hope you get to feeling better.


Duodenal Switch (Lap) 01-24-11 | Surgeon: Stephen Boyce | High weight: 250 in 2002 | Surgery weight: 203 | Lowest weight: 121 | Current weight: 135 | Goal weight: 135


(deactivated member)
on 1/23/11 2:37 am
Protonix is covered under my insurance! All of them are except Nexium. I absolutely plan on talking to the gastro about meds and which she thinks I should try or if it's possible to get an override and make the ins co cover Nexium if nothing else works.

I have tried almond milk, too, as that is what we had been drinking in place of regular milk before I had surgery. Even that makes me feel a little iffy, strangely. I don't know what's up with it. So far, the egg protein is the one that sits the best. 

I've decided that babies make people go insane. :) Thanks for your support.

on 1/23/11 2:47 am
Glad the protonix is covered for you...see what your gastro says about it. I have extremely good luck with it for YEARS. The reason I think Nexium isn't covered is it's the stronger version of Prilosec and that is a OTC drug which NO ONE has to cover. Why should they cover Nexium when people can just take Prilosec instead? Go figure.

Have you tried Lactaid yet? Or Goats Milk? Give those two a try, otherwise I would suppose it's possible you have develped a lactos intolerance. Many people do after bariatric surgery.

  • Vegetables like cauliflower and broccoli may cause gas and abdominal cramping.
  • Approximately 1% of patients develop a new intolerance to milk and milk products (lactose intolerance). Symptoms can include gas, bloating, cramps, and diarrhea. These symptoms commonly diminish over time and with slower consumption of lactose-containing foods or beverages. If this occurs, try low-fat milk (1% or skim milk); if this does not relieve symptoms, try lactose-free milk or soy milk. Lactase enzyme pills (Lactaid) may be helpful.
And yes, something about babies make people go crazy and the poor baby doesn't even know it.

Duodenal Switch (Lap) 01-24-11 | Surgeon: Stephen Boyce | High weight: 250 in 2002 | Surgery weight: 203 | Lowest weight: 121 | Current weight: 135 | Goal weight: 135


(deactivated member)
on 1/23/11 5:55 am
VSG on 05/04/09 with
Chewing papaya enzymes right after I ate REALLY helped me to not be able to feel my tum be so churny after I ate.  I probably used them for about 6 months, not sure if I *had* to use them that long, but I did, and I swear they really helped me out a lot.

I can find them at the grocery store or Wal-Mart in the vitaminy section!
on 1/23/11 2:43 am - VA
I think you've done a great job trying to figure all this out yourself and you've come up with some solutions that I think you can act on.

1) yeah, find another PA or PCP than can help with your aftercare.

2) I've read on the DS board that some people have to take a "****tail" of antacids to address their issues. Some have also been diagnosed with pancreaitis post-op, so I'm glad you've got an appointment with a specialist. I hope they can sort you out ASAP. That should help several of your other issues.

3) If you can handle JayRobb egg protein, go with it. You need to keep your nutrition up. How are you doing on vitamins? Go with what you can do regarding protein and don't try to progress until you get your reflux fixed. Oh, man! I still can't do broccoli! I think it swells in your stomach.

4) Don't worry about how much you're eating right now. One thing at a time. Get the reflux fixed first, drink your protein and eat Greek yogurt if that works for you.

5) Hormones are hell and they're all God's fault. There, I said it. You can't do a dang thing about hormones. Just be sure it's hormones and not real depression.

6) Slow downs are normal after the initial big loss. Hang tough, get that reflux fixed and you can start the second leg of this journey.

I don't know what to tell you about the relatives. Screw 'em for a bit. You need to get yourself fixed so you can move on and get back to normal.




5'1" -- HW 195/SW 187/GW 115 July 08/CW 121 Dec 2012

Starting BMI between 35 and 40ish? 
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DS on Aug 9, 2007 with Dr. Hazem Elariny

(deactivated member)
on 1/23/11 3:11 am

Years of therapy can help you become painfully self-aware. lol I am continuing with my therapist, too, and that's very helpful. Which brings me to the hormones vs depression issue. I'm pretty sure it's hormones because this has been a pretty wild rollercoaster. I've had major depressive episodes before, and this is absolutely not it. Thank you Jebus! :) But, be sure that should I feel like I am slipping into a depression, I will tell my therapist and work on it. I didn't come this far to lose more of my life to something I could do something about.

My vites are pretty good, I think. I'm only a month out--I will have my labs checked in 2 mos per my surgeon's order's. Sooner if the gastro thinks it's a good idea. I have been taking a liquid multi (surgeon says no whole pills for 3 mos) since the chewables make me feel icky. I also have sublingual B vites. I've not added in a ton yet since they seem to be harder on my stomach. The one thing I did find that has been helping the reflux is digestive enzymes. My husband ordered me some liquid digestive enzymes and they REALLY help the reflux. As soon as I started taking them, that's when my symptoms became much more tolerable. Strangely, meat sits very, very well in the ol' sleeve. Ground beef, chicken, seafood--all very tolerable. I've been eating greek yogurt, hard cheeses, turkey sticks and ground beef mostly, with some canned crab occasionally.

I know slow downs and stalls are common, normal even! My stupid anxiety is just getting fueled by it. Logically, my brain knows that it is normal, I will keep losing, etc. I keep telling myself that, and my anxiety and emotions keep flipping my logic off and telling me I will fail.

I just needed to whine/vent to people who might understand.

Oh, and did I mention I am back in grad school as of last week? Yep, teaching a class, taking classes, and I am studying for my Master's exams this spring, too. Heh, nope, I don't take on too much at all..

(Im)patiently waiting my gastro appt! Thanks so much for the support. :) 

on 1/23/11 3:23 am - VA
Hmmm....digestive enzymes or probiotics? Digestive enzymes will help your body absorb carbs and fat better--maybe contributing to a stall. Probiotics should help with the lactose issue and just add good bacteria to your gut.

5'1" -- HW 195/SW 187/GW 115 July 08/CW 121 Dec 2012

Starting BMI between 35 and 40ish? 
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DS on Aug 9, 2007 with Dr. Hazem Elariny

(deactivated member)
on 1/23/11 3:33 am
I asked Eric and apparently the liquid is both enzymes and probiotics. I have been taking them for 2 weeks now, and I was losing very consistently until the last few days. Either way, if I'm stalled because of them, I'm not sure I care because I noticed a difference so quickly in the severity of my symptoms. I'll keep taking them until I see the gastro and see what she says about it! 

I may also be retaining water. I've had some salty foods the last few days and I've upped my workout intensity quite a bit as well and have had some sore muscles.

on 1/23/11 3:36 am - VA
Sounds like a plan. Keep doing what you're doing. Swinging lizards for you.

5'1" -- HW 195/SW 187/GW 115 July 08/CW 121 Dec 2012

Starting BMI between 35 and 40ish? 
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Lightweights Board!
DS on Aug 9, 2007 with Dr. Hazem Elariny

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