Secrets from the Skinny World...
I love this! It's so crazy how it's all so true! I have "fat girl mentality" and I don't think I'm skinny at all but, the people in my daily life tell me I am. It's strange how I get treated better now that I'm not fat.
- I also have no butt
- my rib cage sticks out further than my "so called boobs" do
- my hip bones poke out....and yes when I hit the counter bar in my kitchen it hurts like hell!
- I no longer have that "back fat" underneath my bra! Thank God!!!!
- I have collarbones! YAY! Wearing necklaces look really pretty now
-I can wear cute shoes without having fat toes
-I can actually breath during sex! Isn't that fun! bawahahah
-Shopping is so fun! I don't cry and throw clothes in the dressing room!
Ash ;o)
I can't sit in one position for very long and have to keep switching from cheek to cheek avoiding my tailbone.
I'm not a bath person, I don't think I've taken a bath in 10 years. My mom has a big soaker tub and I was freezing one day so I took a bath at her house. No matter how I positioned myself I could not get comfy in that tub and I actually bruised my shoulders from leaning against the tub!
I miss spots shaving, and find it almost impossible to shave my under-arms. There are craters behind my knees, etc.
I can wear whatever I want!
I'm short, so I can shop in the little girls department for certain things and save boatloads of money!
Obese people will tell you "oh you're so skinny you wouldn't know about that".....and it is exhilerating to say to them.....actually "I DO, I used to wiegh 100lbs more than I do now!" It is the easiest way to spread the word about how much of a blessing WLS can be as they stand there in amazement!
My legs go numb if I sit for more than 15 minutes....I even broke my ankle because I didn't expect to not feel my entire leg!

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36 years old 5'7" HW 256 / SW 240 / CW 145 / GW 140

Pilates is so much easier now than it used to be.
I can do my own pedicure now!
I love wearing my wedding ring.
I actually do have sit bones, and those lumps by my sides, are hips!!!
Sleep so much better without all the snoring.
Never have enough layers! Brrr...
Have enough energy to go all day, then bam, its lights out babee.
SW 230 Preop 205 GW 130 LW 131 CW 135 Ht 5'1"
It is so much harder to shave my legs and underarms. I keep cutting myself because the bones are right under the skin and not padded.
I can get down in the floor and play with DGD's and get back up without crawling to the couch or a chair to help me get up.
I never knew I would love shopping so much. It is so much fun and I love trying on clothes. If I were rich, I could have an even better time.
I feel so much more confident and feel more comfortable around people.
on 12/17/10 5:59 pm
my body looks pretty much exactly the same except ( HUGE exception) i dont have problem areas i need to dress to disguise . I can pretty much wear any crazy outfit that pops into my head and do it justice .
I can wear flats or semi flats and still look cute tall and skinny -hot . ( as opposed to dowdy and middle aged and a lost soccer Mom )
I DO miss my nice round tushie which seems to have fallen like a souffle unless i skate ....
I really miss having a lot of really thick do anything to me and i wont break mane of beautiful long HAIR.
My present excuse of a rock n roll haircut is a POOR SUBSTITUTE at best ( thank God its at least thick at the roots though) ....
I no longer need to wear makeup or jewelry or even CLOTHES to look hot lol. ( or even hair thank God )
I guess I was skinny before ( ok You explain to me how that worked heavy as i was ..but i swear i got a lot of male attention when i was gussied up ) in the RIGHT CLOTHES- everything matching just so , drawing attention away from the problems to the good stuff .... it would take me an HOUR to dress easy in the morning ....and i could never take the jacket off lol without really disappointing somebody .
Now , well, i dont dress, i dont care and men treat me like a queen anyway ... which of course we ALL deserve

I AM discovering much to my chagrin that the complusive overeating issue JUST WONT GO AWAY grrrrrr. ESPECIALLY during the holidays . I needto go to warner climates and wear NOTHING ......
Have also been called "tiny" which is ridiculous, I am still 15 lbs from goal. Do not feel tiny, do feel normal.
Junior sizes are not just for kids, especially when you no longer have any junk in the trunk.
Mall stores with cool names are more fun than Lane Bryants and Woman Within Catalogs (and why was she Within anyway? Always felt like my womanhood was out there for all to see!)
You can tell when guys are watching you walk away. Very weird feeling especially for a Grandma.
There are other reasons besides being the biggest person in the room to be the most noticed.
Other women can feel happy for you and jealous of you at the same time.
All shoes do not wear out in a few weeks when they don't have to carry 250+ they can actually last a long time (bad when trying to justify additional shoe purchase)
It is better to be proportional (at any size) than super thin and not proportional
Super tight clothes do not flatter anybody. Nor do super loose clothes hide the truth...
Dogs love WLS (leftovers!) (fat dog!)
Jenny T