Hello everyone...I would really like some advice. I am scheduled to have RNY surgery on Dec. 21st but it was cancelled due to hospital losing it's Blue Distinction label. Since I have more time I've been researching VSG more and I'm wondering now if I chose the wrong surgery?? Could anyone tell me why they chose VSG?? I chose RNY mainly because of family members who did it and because I have diabetes and severe acid reflux disease. I heard RNY was better for this. I have always had a little voice in my head though that worried about being on vitamins daily the rest of my life or being deficient in vitamins and minerals from the malabsorbtion. I don't know?? Any advice would be highly appreciated
when i began researching wls, i only knew of the rny, the lap band and the sleeve
i dont know why, but the rny scared me i guess it had to do with knowing one girl that had it done years ago she was always sick lost a lottt of her hair is on a ton of vitamins it was a bad experience for her but as i said this was a long time ago i was also afraid of the whole rerouting thing.
the lap band , my best friend had it done sept 2009 she was 368 pds and since then lost 55 pds to date dont think its working for her and shes not working it either but the main thing was the maintenance thing totally turned me off once a month to get a fill / adjustment nope nope its not for me .
the sleeve was the best option for me
taking 85% of my stomach and making it into a banana
and i was done. i was a grazer a binger so it has really helped me not to over eat.
i wish u the best in ur decision but hurry up with it so u can join us on the losers bench
see ya lighter,
Thanks Mrs. Deeva! I've seen your comments on here and always thought...she is so pretty! Anyway, like you I knew I didn't want the band. I knew too many people that had severe problems with that. I wonder what my Dr. would say if I asked to change?? I need to go back and see him. I would also have to go back through insurance approval because they approved the RNY but don't know if they will the VSG. I am also a binger like you were. Got some thinking to do! Thanks for the advice
that was sweet but no more prettier than you
i do rem reading that the sleeve was in experimental stages and that some insurances would not cover . but i was a self pay so that part didnt matter to me .
i do like the idea where they take out the part of the stomach that secretes a harmone (ghrelin) which triggers hunger and cravings not to mention ur stomach is reduced so much that u get full fast
good luck in ur decision making
see ya lighter,
66 yrs young, 4'11" hw 220, goal 120 met at 12 months, cw 129 learning Maintainance
Between 35-40 BMI? join us on the Lightweight board. the Lightweight Board
My brother and sister are both thoraxic surgeons who have performed a limited number of RNY surgeries (that's not the surgery they specialize in) . They spoke very highly of the procedure and I felt comfortable heeding their advice.
I never even considered VSG....I have HUGE carb, sugar eating issues so I knew that I HAD to have the limitations that RNY would give me. I am about 5 months out and I have eaten very little refined sugar and white flour and I feel SO much better and in control of my eating....The daily vitamin taking worried me but it's such a minor deal now....just part of my routine!
That being said, my doctor highly recommended the VSG and as I said, the results from fellow lightweights speak for themselves. Keep researching.....I bet before long, the decision will be clear to you! Best wishes!
I chose the RNY because my mom had it 16 years ago. She was 350 pounds and got down to 125. Now she's at 140 and has been there for 15 years with very little regain. I chose the RNY because it's considered the "gold standard" for WLS. It's been around forever and has the most research and supporting data. They know first hand the long term effects and outcomes. LapBand is crap IMHO and I don't think it really works. VSG is also a great surgery and that's what my DH has chose. I personally like that I cant cheat with the RNY. If I wanna cheat and eat something bad I will get very sick and dump. I need that to keep me honest. RNY was the best choice for me. I'm a cheater and it keeps me on track. IMHO RNY gets ride of the comorbidites better than the VSG from the data my surgeon has in his office.
One thing I like about the VSG is that it can be revised to a RNY if needed.
You have to do what you feel is best for you!!!!
Hugs & Kisses!
Ash ;o)