sling questions for Diane

(deactivated member)
on 9/8/10 6:27 am
Did not want to steal the 'weigh in' thread but would like to know about the sling.  Pls tell me about it.  I have something hanging down there--sorry about the rude graphics.  One doctor has talked about a hysterectomy.  He also said I could just not do anything, but I can not stand this 'thing.'  Bladder leaking is not a very bad problem.

A friend pointed out to me that removal of the female parts would reduce my chances of cancer, but I do not like the idea of unnecessary surgery.  I like keeping my parts.  So did you have a hysterectomy and a bladder sling or just a sling?

Also there is an article in the September (I think) issue of Reader's Digest that says there have been problems with the mesh that is sometimes used for the sling.

Just a few more thoughts and questions---what is to be your recovery time?  Can you walk now for exercise?  Was your procedure done without an incision?  The doctor I saw says it can be done without an incision---hysterectomy and sling.  I am so undecided about the thing till I have appointments with a new GYN (had to change because of insurance) and a surgeon.  Sorry to be so long.

rny 3/2005
on 9/8/10 10:10 am
Hi Ruby!! By all means, ask away. I had cyctocele (bladder prolapsing into the vaginal area) and rectocele (bowels prolapsing into the vaginal area) and a very large right Bartholin Gland that was not abscessed but very large and uncomfortable. Anyways, I started looking up symptoms associated with the bartholin glad (feeling like I cannot empty rectum) pressure, and such. I asked him about the removal of the cyst fixing some of these symptoms and he said "constipation is not related to the cyst" like I was a child. So, I looked it up and found the terminology above for prolapsing. I knew I had a lot of those symptoms and had him recheck me and they were confirmed. 

So, I had the bladder put in a sling (TOT) not sure exactly what kit he used, will ask tomorrow at my follow up appt. I have sneezed several times and have not peed my pants!! I love it. It is a bit traumatic for the bladder to be moved and messed with so the first several times it was hard to pee. But now, it's good. 

I also had the extra tissue removed where the prolapse from the bladder and bowel and things tightened back up in the vaginal area. I am on stool softeners to avoid constipation during the healing phase. Then I had the bartholin cyst removed. I think he left the area open to drain. So, there will be scarring but hey, it's better than things falling out. I did NOT have the hysterectomy. He said it was due to chances of infection and a slight over reaction to my heavy bleeding when he examined me (I'll spare the TMI graphics here but can PM them if you need to know more for your appt)

I'm not in much pain from the procedures EXCEPT the STUPID cyst. I believe he has the opening "stitched" open to drain and it is in a very sensitive place so sitting hurts. I do not feel any pain at all except there. I cannot lift, push, or pull anything heavy. My activity level would be fine if that pain wasn't there. Recovery is 6 weeks until cleared for intimacy and exercise. 

I am a bit disappointed that I didn't get the hysterectomy because I was physched for it and then "poof"....I would have been very relieved to not have to worry about cervical/uterine cancer but I am 39 years old and not menopausal so I think he stepped down from that procedure to be conservative.

I strongly encourage any women to not have to live with prolapse of any kind. I asked if Kegels would help and he said prolapses only get worse and I could "Kegel until the cows came home and it won't help". I trust him because he is for the most part very conservative in his treatments.  I am not a surgery fan but I am a strong advocate to be healthy in all areas. I didn't want to live with not being able to have healthy bowel movements and didn't want to pee every time I cough, sneezed, pass gas, laugh, and even it was bad when I ran. Very bad actually. I'll keep an eye on the hysterectomy issue because for the most part, the tissue is weak and if there is uterine prolapse, I'll know more down the line. For now, I'm good and tuned up I suppose 

Sorry so long of a response. I will share whatever is needed for others to get healthy themselves. I am an open book. Would I do the surgery again...yes. The pain from the cyst is what I had anticipated although very annoying to me. I'll let you know more after my follow up appt tomorrow :)

/  SW /  CW /  GW (1st goal met!! ) New Goal Weight                        height 5'3"
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(deactivated member)
on 9/8/10 11:22 am
Thanks so much for your reply.  I appreciate your going into detail.  Sounds like we have similar problems.  I do not have a cyst.  I am 65 so doctor may want to go on with hysterectomy.

My GYN appointment is 10/1 and surgeon appointment is 10/19.  You have given me some information that I can use to investigate my situation before those appointments.  

I will be looking for further updates from you.  I hope your recovery continues to go good.  I know you do not look forward to not being able to exercise, but we know giving ourselves time to recover is so important. 

on 9/8/10 1:05 pm
You are so very welcome Ruby. Let me know if you need any other leads for research...

There is another prolapse where the top of the uterus collapses too...I don't think that applied to me. But one of the most solid remedies for the prolapse is a hysterectomy. The muscle is weak the muscle is weak...If the prolapses are fixed without a hysterectomy, the chances of recurring prolapse is possible. 

I did read that if a hysterectomy is done after menopause, then the risks of cancer DO decrease for ovarian and cervical if a complete hysterectomy is done. 

Good luck and keep me posted. It's nice to know when a women is going through some gyn stuff, we are not alone. Because *****ally can we talk to?? 


/  SW /  CW /  GW (1st goal met!! ) New Goal Weight                        height 5'3"
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on 9/8/10 12:31 pm - Concord, CA
Are you at risk for cancer? Are you having extremely heavy periods? Is there a reason why a hysterectomy should be done? I worked for American Cancer Soc^^^^ and know alot of cancer patients and oncologists and obgyn's. I have not heard of taking out your female parts that is unnecessary, you need another opinion.
Now about the bladder lift, I have had it and it is wonderful I was so tired of excuse the term... but it fits.."peeing in my shoe" for years.  My obgyn referred me to the surgeon who does this procedure specifically. I was seen by her, she did a exam. She tested my muscles... ( vaginal exam to see how your kegal muscles work, if they work, you are a good candidate). What she was looking for was definite contraction that could be felt by her. This means there are muscles that can hold up the sling.
I had maybe a week of soreness, but I swear.. I have never regret ed it. Do yourself one huge favor... they will try and make you take the meds first , they are horrible. Dry mouth, ick.
Practice your kegals.. which helps anyway. Do not wait a long time to go to the restroom. Go back to the schedule of how we train out grandchildren.. more is better.

Good luck,,, and do not get the other surgery unless you have indication that would make it necessary, sounds like you did not.

Feel; free to personal message me if you want to

 Kristen Hunter
"Sierra and Echo"  springer spaniels    

Ruby R.
on 9/8/10 1:41 pm

Thanks for raising the cancer question.  I am not at risk of cancer.  I have been through menopause.
My main problem is this thing hanging down.  It feels like it is about the size of a small pecan.  I can pu**** back up.  Once I did that and made it bleed.   'Peeing in my pants' is not too serious  problem, but I can not stand this thing hanging down.  I think that the hysterectomy question has been brought up saying that the other organs will just push down and on the bladder and make the problem come back.

By the way there is an article in the Readers Digest (Sept, I think)  My sister told me about reading it and I read it online.  Anyway it says that some of the mesh that is being used for the sling is dangerous.  The article title is 'Devices That Can Kill.'   It talks about a lot of medical including the mess used for the sling. 

My primary doctor warned me not to go to a surgeon unless I wanted surgery, so i went back and insisted that I see the GYN first.  I am caught in a situation where I am having to change GYN's because of insurance.  When I called new GYN, I was asked what my problem was and when I told them about the prolapse problem, I was told I needed to see surgeon that GYN would send me to see him so i agreed.  Well after giving it some thought, I called back and insisted on seeing regular GYN.  Both of these doctors are at Emory University Hospital in Atlanta.  They should be good, but sometimes teaching hospitals scare me.  i wonder if they do not experiment more on patients and let 'fellows' do work.  i know i sound crazy.   The first surgeon I saw was on staff at another hospital in Atlanta.  Thanks for reading my long post.


(deactivated member)
on 9/8/10 12:35 pm
 U know Diana this is a very interesting subject .... especially the pee when U run thing .. the hafta go RIGHT NOW when the urge hits or ELSE  thing .... and even the occasional oops / accident running to the nearest bathroom .  

In my case I KNOW Its excess weight related not childbirth related ..... and ive thought about those medications for excessive urination urges ... UNTIL i heard about the serious side effects ( early onset  ALZENHEIMERS for goodness' sakes ! )   

DO Kegel exercises work for gurls like me?  Or is there a form of herbal or other side effect less relief ?  

on 9/8/10 12:58 pm
For me, it was giving birth to the babies and the last one being 9lbs 3oz...stuck, flipped wrong way, hours labor, Oh yes, and the excess weight not exactly the best either huh. Oh, my gyn said that there are 2 things contribute to prolapse and that is genetics...oh yay me...and births of babies. 

I was beyond kegels. period. I suppose they help to prevent and possibly even reverse slight prolapse but once the stretching is done, its done. So I chose to undergo the surgical remedy now rather than wait for the full on prolapse (when it decides to come on out of the lovely girly region....NOT an option!!!) 

I would not take the RX ~ especially if it has those side effects...sheeesh. 

Talk with your doctors...if it is just overactive bladder, maybe herbal/kegels can help :) if it is prolapse, probably pessaries or surgery needed if bad enough. For me...I would literally pee while running if I didn't empty my bladder enough before the run. Kinda hard to do when we need to hydrate. And I'm talking not being able to stop it once started...sooooo I was bad off. 

Let me know if you have any other questions. I had to do a urodynamics test in the gyn office. He tested for leakage AND muscle strength...I had to prove I leaked in front of him and the nurse...nice huh. I was able to prove it with a slight cough. LOL 

/  SW /  CW /  GW (1st goal met!! ) New Goal Weight                        height 5'3"
230 / 196132  / 135                                       125
(deactivated member)
on 9/9/10 12:17 am
 yeah the needing to pee while running thing i can SO relate to-  I gas up then wait to PEE - then go out the door hoping i can control the  urge for f our miles when i need to pee like a racehorse again ( and heaven help me if the door is locked ... )  then another four miles when i BARELY make it to Wendys ... and back ..... 

this is EVERY day ... when i have a cold i don't even dare TRY ....
on 9/11/10 12:39 am
 Hi ladies!!  I just posted the following on the VSG board, and one of our gals there let me know this was being discussed here.  First the post, just for some info on me:

So I've got two issues to talk about, that relate to each other.

First, I keep reading about everyone getting super-hormonal after surgery, getting their sex drive back or having it shift into overdrive.  I've been waiting and waiting for that, but at 7 1/2 months post-op, it just ain't happening.  If anything, it's decreased.  I get into it somewhat and enjoy it once we start, but don't ever, ever just get that  "urge" ... know what I mean??  This sucks for me, because I completely missed my "peak" 30s, and I mean completely, as in celibate--I was busy going to school, starting a career, and trying to raise my son on my own, never met anyone who turned into anything, and wasn't into sleeping around.  Now that I'm married to Mr. Wonderful, lord how I wish I could tap into that drive again!

Part Two, which I'm hoping to hear about from others who have dealt with it, is that I'm wondering if this lovely pelvic floor prolapse thing I've got going on is contributing to the lack of drive.  I had a 9.6 lb. baby naturally 21 1/2 years ago, then the weight piled on, and now everything's collapsing inward and down... the bladder from the front, the rectum from the rear), and the cervix is only less than 2" from the opening.  And there, folks, is your TMI.  Sex itself is starting to now become a little uncomfortable at times.  I know that all that pressure can affect the nerves down there and decrease sensation and I'm pretty sure that's contributing to my lack of drive.  Plus, I'm 45 and things are changing hormonally.... aggghhhh, this sucks!!

So what am I getting at...??  Ummm, well I guess I just want to know if anyone else has been in the same boat, if anyone had surgical corrections for the pelvic stuff (pretty sure that's in my future) and if it helped things any.  Anyone?  


I'm so glad this discussion is going here!  

                    HW 258    SW 246.4    CW 166.8 GW 160    
                     (reflects loss from all-time high weight in November 2009)
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