Confession time

Shannon D.
on 8/15/10 10:02 pm
You can do, day 3 is the hardest. I don't know why, but I have talked to multiple people who all say that. By day 4, you are used to it. If you must eat something, don't let it be carbs, that's the whole point of the liquids. You have to shrink the liver and burn the fat off it and carbs won't allow that to happen. Some surgeons require 2 weeks of strict no/extreme low carbs instead of liquids.
  5'0"   HW-214   SW-186  GW-115  CW-96-99 
  LW-Apple-Gold-Small.jpg image by PlicketyCat
on 8/15/10 11:28 pm
Hang in there!!  You will be fine.  We all mess up, the thing you need to do now is get started right back.  Can you do 3-4 shakes and have a sensible meal or do you have to do all liquid?  I got to do 3-4 shakes and I sensible meal.  Day 1 and 2 were horrible for me and I thought I could not do it.  I even called my NUT and talked with her.  I started mixing my shakes with milk and immediately felt better(she okayed this). 
You can do this - it is so much easier after the surgery because you can't put alot in your pouch and my appetite was totally gone(it does come back so you need to learn good habits during this time).
Good luck and keep us posted.
Try posting on Menus and Miles each day - I find that accountability really helps me.
14.5 lost pre-surgery  5'1 1/2"                                      LW-Apple-Gold-Small.jpg image by PlicketyCat
on 8/16/10 1:12 am
thanks everyone!  I did great on Sunday and so far so good today.  One day at a time...  love you guys!!
Become what you believe..........  I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

 *  LW-Apple-Gold-Small.jpg image by PlicketyCat        **BELOW GOAL**  
on 8/16/10 1:53 am - Northern, CA
There is nothing MAGIC about liquids. It's not that it's liquids that shrinks your liver. It's that you lost weight. A low carb, high protein diet is the fastest, most effective way to do that.

So, if you are going nuts on liquid and feel the urge to cheat, have a steak and not pasta!

And, bigbillw, clinical data doesn't support a two week liquid diet. It suggest that losing at least 10 lb. can make the liver easier to handle. That's it. Not to mention, I wouldn't want to use a surgeon who couldn't handle a lightweight's liver.

HW - 225 SW - 191 GW - 132 CW - 122
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(deactivated member)
on 8/15/10 10:17 am
VSG on 08/05/10 with
 You need to realize that wls is a tool.  You are correct that you should feel horrible.  I think you can make it.  You fell off the horse now get your ass back on it.  But you need to really focus on what you want, on what is most important.  It isn't that we fail it is what we learn from our failure.  I totally disagree with the comment that two weeks of liquid is not necessary.  I have absolute faith that my doctor required that because that was what was needed to ensure that my liver would shrink to the size for surgery.  Get on  the horse, stay on the horse, before you get off that horse ask yourself what are you really doing to yourself.
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