Day 6 post RNY - first meltdown

on 8/11/10 10:50 am
It must be the hormones I hear you all talking about, because the tears are flowing!

I started out great on the first few days, but have gone downhill on my nutrition.  I am sick of the shakes.  Anything thicker than liquid (puree soup, greek yogurt) and my bowels start churning and I have diarrhea for an hour or more.

My one week doctor appointment is this Friday.  I am supposed to eat a scrambled egg the night before.  If I tolerate that OK, he will move me on to soft/pureed foods.

I don't want to get dehydrated and have to go in for IV fluids.

My incisions are healing fine and I am not near as sore.

I just feel extremely stressed out.  I want to do all of the right things and feel I am starting to fail.  I finally had to break down in tears tonight.  Husband is very supportive and wants to help....

I wish there was a book of everything normal and not normal!  I need encouragement friends.
HW 251/SW 239/CW 183/GW 150  height= 5'5"
Jody ***
on 8/11/10 10:56 am - Brighton, MI
RNY on 10/21/08 with
RELAX!!  Just breathe and don't worry about it so much!  I know its a very stressful time, you want to do everything right, but its hard to do because you don't like what you're eating now and can't eat what you want...

The bowels will churn for a LONG time - get used to it.  Your intestines will talk to you forever... mine still do...

Just get your fluids in at this point and stop putting pressure on yourself to do the rest.  It WILL happen . 

You talk about eggs.  I had Egg Drop soup 2 days after my surgery - OMG - you'd think it went right through me - it was like I was passing a rotten egg - ok - TMI - but that's the way it it is for now...

Your Dr will be supportive - he knows its not easy at this point.  If you can handle the egg - thats a good thing and you'll be able to add more soft foods. 

(((HUGS)) ) - hang in there!!!

HW-218/SW-208/CW-126/ Lowest Weight-121/Goal-125 - hit 8/23/09/Height-5'3"

Regain 30 lbs from 2012 to 2016 - got back on track and lost it.  Took 8 months. 
90+/- pounds lost      
BMI - 24 or so
Starting BMI between 35 and 40ish? 
Join us on the Lightweights Board!

Roz !!!!
on 8/11/10 11:07 am - Butler, PA
Your story sounds very familiar to a lot of us.  I went into surgery with such a good attitude, but after about 4 days I couldn't stop crying.  When I went for my 1 week check up I cried like a baby and my surgeon was shocked and speechless.  Mine lasted about 2 weeks and then disappeared as fast as it came. 

I couldn't drink shakes either until I started mixing them with water and making them thin.  I still can't handle milk. 

Be very careful with the scrambled egg.  For some reason they seem like they should go down very easy but for a lot of us that wasn't the case.  Chop it up really fine, take very tiny bites, and chew it well before swallowing.  Also, now how good it tastes, don't rush the second bite.   I still can't eat scrambled eggs, but egg beaters go down just fine.


God is walking with me every step of the way. Because of HIM this is possible!!

RNY 10/15/2008 9+ Years!!!
Height: 4' 11" HW: 203 SW: 197 CW: 119
on Maintenance

on 8/11/10 11:14 am
just a pre-op, but I can say a prayer and swing a lizard for you!!  stay strong...
Become what you believe..........  I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

 *  LW-Apple-Gold-Small.jpg image by PlicketyCat        **BELOW GOAL**  
on 8/11/10 12:03 pm
Nowhere else could I EVER get the kind of support that I get from OH Lightweights!  Ya'll are the best!  The encouragement and experiences of those of you have been through it is phenomenal, as well as the encouragement from newbees!  Love you all!
HW 251/SW 239/CW 183/GW 150  height= 5'5"
on 8/11/10 1:46 pm - Fort Campbell, KY
You are ahead of me in the game but I can totally rationalize a good tear fest. I cried earlier pretty much just because I was thinking I did this to myself so have no right to complain. No one else signed my signature for the surgery.  I still haven't pooped but the gas is definitely in there and I want to cry a little when I get those chest bubble hiccup things.

I am a tad envious that your diet progresses that quickly but although our plan to get there might differentiate we all have a common goal. I have to do full liquids until 2 weeks post-op and then 4 weeks of pureeing EVERYTHING pretty much before I get to move on to what most call soft foods and transition to a regular diet.

I'm sure you are doing great though, don't focus on being perfect... focus on doing your very best each day so that you know at the end of the day you tried your hardest. I felt like poop today because I feel like I'm still having to take full doses of pain meds and should be less sore.
on 8/11/10 7:43 pm - Madison, GA
Hang in there!  I'm just over 3 weeks out and your experience sounds just like mine!  The first two weeks I DID NOT get my protein in ....fought to get my water in, no vitamins etc.  I was so nauseous and miserable!  I had terrible diarrhea for the first week and half and then that quickly turned to constipation when I started my pureed/soft foods. 

I found things started to improve for me at about day 15....I found a few foods that go down well (scrambled eggs are actually my most successful meal....I can just about eat the whole egg, it goes down well and no nausea).  The energy slowly picks up and now I can take my vitamins and get MOST of my protein in each day.

The problem I'm dealing with now is that my taste buds are out of whack and all my "favorite" foods taste terrible....eating is just NOT enjoyable....that's a WEIRD experience for me!

We'll make it......take one day at a time....get lots of rest!

  HW/SW/CW/Goal.....219  / 206 /  122 / 130

on 8/11/10 10:23 pm - Eastlake, OH
You are perfectly normal.
This is a big adjustment. I think I got a little overwhelmed myself the other day, the water, the vits, the protein and the thrush I ended up with.
But I promise it does get better.
Take it easy on yourself and on your new pouch, healing will come.
Big Huggs!!!
(deactivated member)
on 8/11/10 10:32 pm
 Ure mourning Ur best friend binge food Honey ...and going through withdrawal symptoms like any addict ....unfortunately .   

OA groups really helped me  get off the pity pot about   what I COULDNT eat and  get grateful FAST .  The truth is we are very LUCKY to get this lifesaving and profoundly life changing surgery  where most food addicts dont get that chance ....  and its up to us to make the most of it from day one .  

Its very easy to pooh pooh the necessary changes and allow "a little " binge food or fast food  or just fatty food to slip back in .

 After a year here posting and chatting every day  I see the same people who justified eating high -fat  low carb recipes with an RNY  sudenly complaining that they stopped losing weight at 180 or 165 lbs and cant get any lower ....  

truly I feel greatly sorry for them because revision isnt possible .. they are considered a " success " by their doctors standards  yet they are not ( and may never get ) where they wanted to go . 

OA and the steps and support  found in OA  unlocks the food addiction aspect of this compulsive overeating disease most of us suffered from pre op .  It helps U be a lot HAPPIER in Ur recovery  day after day without the excess food .

Good luck and feel better !! 
on 8/12/10 4:27 am
Hang in there! (pre-op here so no first hand advice) You have been thru major surgery -- walk sip rest!!
  HW 236 / SW 224 / CW 164/ GW 135
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