Another newbie to this forum
I've taken a rather long hiatus from this site. I had my RNY on 4/6/04. I've been doing well and maintaining well. I'm finally getting used to my body, and have a hard time recollecting the "old me".
I finally kept my promise to myself and had some "after" photos done. The other day I loaded up my before and after photos. Take a look on my profile. I like the new me, and am proud of how far I've come.
I've recently been dealing with enough depression (an ongoing thing) that my sweet tooth is acting up. Thank heaven's for dumping! I've never been so grateful for this tool.
Does anyone else have the problem of remembering to eat? I have to set alarms for myself, and even then, I'll put it off because I really have no appetite and nothing sounds good. There are days I wish I had a full-time cook at my house to make meals. Once something is presented to me I have no trouble eating it. I guess I just hate to cook.
I'm considering moving toward being a vegetarian (ovo-lacto). I've never been able to get meat to settle well. I usually have a 5-10 min wait after the first bite for my pouch to settle into the feeling of solid food. Anyone else a vegetarian? What are your favorite ways to get enough protein? I find I like couscous a lot. I also enjoy egg subtitutes (Egg Beaters).
Enough questions for one day. I'll enjoy keeping up with the board. Hope you all are doing well!