What is your goal today?
Well my first goal for the day is to Apologize for not posting this for the last 2 day's my computer has not been working right.So I am sorry!Ok then it is to figure out a new exercise routine for me that I actually enjoy,that way I am a little more motivated to do it!Then I need to take the kid's to school,go grocery shopping,stop and get some money,go to Walmart and get some new needle's for the sewing machine to finish the stocking's I am making since I broke the only one I had last night,then sew 90 stocking's,run some more errand's,go to a appointment I have at 1:30,come home,wash dishe's,do laundry,mop the floor's,pick up the kid's from school,put gas in my car,pick up the new Thermostat for my car,come home start dinner,spend some time with my kid's,get them in the bath and bed.And finally a little bit of alone time for me,I hope at least.Well have a great day!!!