Tummy tuck with lipo...5 days off?!?!
Have you had one? How long did you have to be off work? How much did you spend?
I went for a consultation and she said only 5 days off work?? That seems really short!! I am a nurse in the icu. I know I won't be lifting but do you think I could go back that fast?? She said I will have drains 1-3 weeks.
VSG on 07/06/15
I am in the pre-op stages of getting a VGS. The mantra that everyone keeps telling me is that I need to listen to my body. When i am thirsty drink some water, if I am hungry or feeling peckish have some carrots, celery, or nuts.
At the end of the day you know your own body and everyone is different. I would suspect that it would be a 5 day minimum off from work.