I Have A Surgery Date!!!!
I am so excited! I have a date for surgery! I am scheduled for 2/27/12 for gastric bypass. At first I was a little upset because it seemed so far away, but now I realize it is going to come very quickly. Today is January 1st and February is just around the corner! I have already begun going over the booklet my nutritionist gave me of the things I will be able to eat after surgery and have begun making a shopping list to stock up on the items. I am counting down the days and am so excited to finally make this change!
UPDATE!!! My surgery has been moved up to 1/23/12 due to a cancellation!! So excited. I start the 2 week pre-op diet tomorrow. The only thing that stinks about my surgery date is that it is my son's birthday. i am going to have a small party for him the day before but it stinks that i will not be able to eat anything! i have to be on clear liquids only the day before surgery. so far i am so excited. no nerves, yet. sure they will come very soon though!
RNY on 01/16/12
pre-op is going ok. its not easy though. i have never eaten so many vegies in my life! i don't know about other people but my pre-op consists of 6 carnation instant breakfast shakes a day along with 1 serving each of vegetable, starch and fruit. i wish i didn't have to do this diet for 2 weeks though. i am so ready to get it done. counting down the days!

RNY on 03/06/12
Thanks! I am doing great! I'll be 2 weeks post op on Feb 6th! My hospital stay was not that bad, I actually got to go home a day early cause they said I was doing so good! I did not have alot of pain, just discomfort, but all that is gone now. I got my staples removed on the 1st so I feel normal again, whatever that means! Hope all goes well with you. Good Luck!!