New to the forum
Hi Jodi and welcome to the 30's board.
I also have sleep apnea but I was diagnosed years ago with mine. I am happy to say that losing weight has helped my apnea tremendously. Your second study will probably be to fit you with a CPAP or BIPAP and teach you how to use it. They are really agrivating at first, but once you have a decent night's sleep and actually rest all night long because your sleep isn't interupted by apneas you wont want to ever sleep without the blasted When you say your are midway on your journey, do you mean midway on your journey to surgery or to your weightloss goals? Good luck with your next sleep study hon. You'll have to let us know how everything goes.
Start: 306
Surgery: 284
Current: 167
Goal Weight: 155
Start: 306
Surgery: 284
Current: 167
Goal Weight: 155