Is your husband gay?
No, I'm not looking for any introductions.
This post is for informational (and humor) purposes only!
I just read this article on and thought it to be strange to say the least. Apparently there is a 'gay husband checklist" to see if your husband plays for the other team. Your husband might be gay if he does the following:
If your husband thinks you are a nymphomaniac or "pushy and aggressive" because you want sex twice a week.
If sexual activity steeply declines within the first few years of marriage.
You're always more sexually aggressive than your husband.
If your husband is turned off by the thought of touching your vaginal area or performing oral sex on you.
If his best friend is gay.
If he hangs out in gay bars.
If he enjoys watching gay porn movies and surfing gay porn Web sites.
If he is excessively homophobic, mocking and imitating other gay men.
If he brags about gay men complimenting him on his looks.
Thought I would post the checklist so you could test it out on your husbands tonight. Consider it a Public Service Announcement.
Also, feel free to add your own "criteria" to this list. For instance:
If your husband comments on Ryan Seacrest's shirt selection, he might be gay.
If your husband knows about the "white shoes after Labor Day rule", he might be gay.
If your husband decorated his office in a Liberace theme, he might be gay.
Men on the D.L. (aka Down Low) are gay men who pretend to be straight and often marry women. This happens a lot amoungst men who are members of a religion (Amish) or culture (like Texas) that doesn't generally accept a gay lifestyle. 1 in every 10 Americans are gay so it's a given that some gays choose to try to live a straight lifestyle. Others like Ryan Seacreast and David Beckham are just Metrosexuals-- men who enjoy facials, fashion and women. I'm in the Spa capitol of the world. Men in Scottsdale love a good facial and a deep tissue massage. When I went to college in Texas, I thought it was strange and a bit feminine that men iron their t-shirts and jeans. Different strokes for different folks. You, too --- like us all will like clothes more and more as you shrink. Who knows! You may bust out and get some Seacrest highlights.-Jenn C. in AZ