Your 60's & 70's Heros
Elvis, Ray Charles... overcoming poverty....
I have always really really admired Tina Turner. As a abuse and trauma survivor, her story always really inspired me. She never gave up hope, confidence or her dreams.
People now....
Mariska Hagarity from Law and Order SVU inspires me. She was in the car when her Mom, the blond bombshell Jayne Mansfield died in a car accident. She wanted to become an actress and no one gave her a shot. She is a late bloomer. She became a successful actress in her mid-thirties. She got married for the first time and had her first child in her 40's.
Jennifer Hudson inspires me. Only a handful of Black women have appeared on the cover of Vogue. She is an African-American Plus-Size woman and she appeared on the cover of Vogue and won an Ocscar for Vogue.
I don't remember anyone from those decades that really inspired me.
Currently I am very inspired by Natalie Maines from the Dixie Chicks. She is very open about her feelings and speaking what she thinks. This is exactly how I am. I am so proud to see another strong women speaking her mind!!! Plus she is an awesome musician who writes her own songs!!!
On April 21, 2007 at 1:23 PM Pacific Time, Peggy G. wrote:
LOL I so wasn't kidding LOL I *was* wearing 'em! And yes, I know I'm 39. ;)
Does that mean you REALLY have an invisable jet? LOLI'm singing the theme song right now "wonder womannnnnnn ...fights the forces of evil....." OK thats all i remember of the theme song...although I did like how she would reflect bullets with her wrist braclets. I saw an episode several years ago..and you know what she isn't the "modern" wonder woman. The modern WW always kicks butt (in the cartoons), the 70s linda carter WW...was always getting her ass kicked, and she had to be saved all the time. Scott BTW Anyone remember the Bionic man and the Bionic woman...and hey they even had a Bionic dog Spike.