Newbie here too
Hi all
I have been hanging out on the Minnesota board. Thought id come visit here too. I saw on other posts its slow, thats ok, im slow too
So anyway, I just turned 30 in October. Pretty hard letting go of those 20's lol. I had my Lap-RNY on March 9th. Its going pretty good, few aches and pains here and there. But I go back to work and school next monday so its time to buck up lol.
Not sure how much ive lost yet. Lost 16 pre op and at my one week appt I had only lost 2 lol. Trying not to weigh in again till my one month. We shall see if that happens lol
Im on pureed right now and its not to bad. Also, trying to walk every day, even if its just 20 minutes. Im a freeze baby now and if its only 30 degrees out, I feel like im dying, cant wait for summer lol.
Anyway, sorry for rambling, just want to get to know ya'll too.