Replacing food in your life
Have you had a obsession with anything after your surgery?? It seems to me that almost everyone I have met who has had WLS, has developed a issue with something else in place of eating too much.I know I have, and I don't feel there is enough information given to us after our procedure to help combat this situation.Just wondering if anyone else has had experience with this.Thanks.
Hi Michelle!
Great question and one I am passionate about! I did LOTS of reading, soul searching, thinking and talking before I even decided to HAVE surgery on this very issue. I knew I was addicted to food and the reduction of my stomach was not going to cure that. I had to know I was ready to deal with the issues that I ate over/with/around.
To date I am doing ok. I have not replaced the food with anything else. I have kept myself in touch and as aware as possible. For me, drinking or drugs is not an option for several reasons and I am able to hold off on both. Shopping was its own issue before LOL I'm an ex smoker and not willing to go through this life changing experience, get healthy and start to smoke. Maybe something else will rear its ugly head later, but those are the MAJOR things I can think I would use to replace food.
I agree that many are not prepared/educated about the possibilities, but it goes hand in hand with this surgery becoming a "quick" fix for so many. THAT is what is concerning. I believe as patients we have a responsibility to educate and research, but I also feel our care givers and insurance companies should place a stronger focus on aftercare and education. Maybe when they worry less about IQ tests and more about success rates we will be ok
I could go on and on and on... Thanks for bringing this up!

The majority of my weight was put on through the lovely hypothyroidism I've coped with since puberty set in. BUT, I also know that I suffered some self-esteem issues as a teen and that those carried over into my adult life and how I look/looked at myself and that this sometimes prompted eating to avoid boredom and even occasionally depressive days.
HOWEVER, I must say that the only thing I can think of that has been added to my life that may be carried to the extreme of an addiction is my reading and posting on the OH boards! Guess that one is okay??? Not going to sacrifice my health because of that addiction! LOL
I smoked in my late teen years--not a lot, but some. I stopped smoking at 20 when I found out I was pregnant with my oldest daughter. I've never even been much of a drinker--not even what you'd call a social drinker as I probably have 2 drinks per year! I'm so much healthier and happier than my pre-op self, so depression isn't an issue at all. It was never bad enough to need meds before surgery...not going there now!
I'm doing more cooking of real-food-meals now that I'm able to be on my feet for longer times without my back causing me wrenching pain. My family is enjoying that one. I used to LOVE to cook. It is good to get back to it again. And, I go to extreme's sometimes to convert a recipe to make it more healthy for my whole family.
I think the substitutes I've used so far (OH and cooking for my family) are pretty healthy ones. I don't take bites while I'm cooking as it would ruin my meal enjoyment to be full once I'm done cooking and can sit down to enjoy what I've fixed.... The only tasting I do is to check a sauce for the cooking I've gotten back in to is not going to prompt me to overeat as it may have 10 years ago.
Thanks for this post as it makes us think about things in a new light!
I found a job. After about two weeks of having the lap band - I realized that I had been addicted to food and was so extremely bored. I had been grazing a lot over the years. So, I decided to find a job. Low and behold - two days after this thought came to mind - I was approached by the pastor of my church - he was needing an assistant 3 days a week. So, here I am. I love my job and I love my band and I love my new life.
Obesity Help Support Group >
I had a tummy tuck and lipo of the side flanks performed by Nathan Miller with Cosmetic Surgery Affiliates in Oklahoma City on June 23rd, 2009.
I had a tummy tuck and lipo of the side flanks performed by Nathan Miller with Cosmetic Surgery Affiliates in Oklahoma City on June 23rd, 2009.
I have wondered about this too some I am glad to find this post. I am not that far post op and I will be having my first fill next tuesday. I guess my point is i am not that far yet as to have the urge to replace start coming on strong. I keep telling myself to be ready for it if it does. I have even tried to start a new hobby of knitting to keep my mind and hands busy. I do worry if and when it will hit and how well I will do with it. I am sure it is easier since I have not a fill and am almost back to eating like I did (just more healthy) before surgery and so food is not a "forbidden fruit " of sorts yet.