Hi Guys! Newbie here!
Hi Everyone!
I am excited to see this message board! I just had roux en y gastric by -pass on the 27th of decemeber. I am anxious to see how every one is doing on their journey. I personaly, have to visit the hospital about 1 a week because I still can't get the whole 64 ounces of water a day. Did any body else have this problem? I am constantly nauseated,(sp?****il about late night. Any ways it's frustruating, you dont drink because you are nauseated, then you become ill, still dont drink, etc. AHHH. Anyways, enough venting! Hi every one! Can't wait to talk to you all! Cindy
Welcome Cindy!
I'm pretty new here myself. I had RNY on Dec. 1st. I'm lucky in that I didn't really get nauseated. Only one thing so far has made me
Unfortunately though, I didn't go through the "I don't even get hungry" phase. I actually do get hungry. I get a growly stomach...lol.
Good luck with the nausea. It does get better.
Good Luck and God Bless

Hi Cindy !!! Welcome.
Sorry to hear about the upset pouch. I can empathize on the water deal. It is a daily "game" for me to get my water. On occasion, my husband will challenge me to a drinking game. He's SO good to me! LOL
Keep trying. Sip. Sip. Sip.
I saw a post on the Main board from someone that made reading posts a drinking game and every time she saw the word sip, she did just that, sipped
You never know, it might work for you