I love the 90's...
You replied. Now if I reply, that's two!
Late 90's - I was in my late 20's, had already drank myself to near insanity, was working on my 'career,' owned my own condo, still hanging onto to my punk youth with semi-un-natural hair colors, and still wore 'different' clothing. LOVEAD (as I always have) music and was really branching out into everything...at the time hooked on Friday nights at Largo on Fairfax in LA seeing Jon Brion and all his wonderous friends...Ricki Lee, Aimee Mann, Michael Penn, etc. (sigh) I was fatter than helll and just starting to watch my health decline. Friends around me began to have surgery and I was holding out for my own doing. Duh.

I was taking ephedrine so I was quite slim, but I didn't eat or sleep. Nothing i want to try over. BAD IDEA!!! Guess what - pysch finally sent in my report. I have a teaching appt set for jan 25. They said surgeon will go through my file, write the letters and should submit to insurance around second week in jan. If approved surgery in Feb. I really want feb 11, my 30th b-day but I know I don't really get to pick.
I have a question for you, do you notice a lot of excess skin, if so, does in get in your way when you exercise. I know my fat does now but I saw a show and a lady had a hard time running due to excess skin on the thighs. Just curious if you don't mind sharing.
Thus far my skin still has stuffin
I know that I will eventually get to the point where my stuffin has decreased and I do forsee the skin being an issue. Good news is I am finding I am soft now, versus the hard fat girl I was, and that seems to help when exercising. I speed walk, lift weights, and row all without problems.
Great news on your eval and moving forward!!!!
I remember the feelings like they were yesterday! ;)

Well, let me see, the 90's, lol. That was a whirl wind life changing decade. I graduated high school in 92, hair style was long straight hair with the big poofy bangs. Looking back, Im like, crap, is that a basketball on my head, lol. I wore big huge round glasses, and blue eyeshadow. I went to college for 2 years, and bout all I can say about that is I dated a fraternity guy!!! Enough said, Im sure. Lots of drinking, lots of NOT studying, and so at the end of 2 years they asked me not to come back, due to grades. I moved home, worked the summer, and met my first husband and in Dec. 94, I got married. Settled into that married woman routine, work, housework, and lots of "marital realations"
Cut the hair short, to shoulder length, got it permed, and had big hair!!! Lived that life until the 90's ended. Had no kids, but had lots of fun. Went thru many hair styles and various colors of highlighting, and my share of drinking. Not much change in anything else. Ive always been a super country music fan, so I was all about George Straight and Reba McEntire (still am).
And that was the 90's.