5 days post op question
hey guys,
I am 5 days post op! I am doing great!! No compleciation, no real pain just some gas! ugh... I told Kimberley (my oH angel) I dont even think he did the surgery... maybe he justt poked a few holes in me. Thats how good I feel... thank the Lord above!
anyway, here is my question. I have noooo problem getting all the protein in what so ever and all my liquids go down fine too. My first day on full liquids I got 80 grams in!! I read about people that really struggle to get it in. Although, I know this is a GREAT thing I cant help but to feel worried that I will be able to eat to much when I get to that stage. I think maybe he made m y pouch to big. I feel like I am the ONLY one that can get all the protein in the week after surgery. Anyway, anyone out there like me?
I have trouoble getting all my water in but I am almost there. I jsut do not have the desire. But none the less my hubby was just like you and I thought the same thing. Oh gess is he going to be able to go back to the way he was. YIKES. BUT he is 84 lbs down as of this morning (surgery june5, 2006) and doing great. Getting all your protein in and your water in will just actually help you loose that much faster. I was at the dr this morning for my 1 week post op and he said some people have no trouble with it and some do. It is a totally individual thing. I am getting better at it all the time. I have now moved to soft foods in stage 3 and I am doing much better. Those who wer egood water drinkers before I think must have an easier time. I was not very good at it but my hubby drank almost 2 gallons a day of liquids. As long as you feel great (I had the same experience as you with so little pain it was not even funny and feel great) and you take your vitamins and all your protein and water you are on a very great road. I was down 24lbs this morning at 1 week out and I could not be more thrilled. Best of luck to you. I think you have nothing to worry about. You are doing fine. And I really don;t think there is a way you will be able to eat any where near as much as you used to. Wait till you get to soft foods. You get full FAST! Melissa
Maris I am glad you are doing so well right from the start! My friend had RNY 2 weeks after me by the same surgeon and she, like you, has no problems with fluids and protein shakes, even the thick heavy ones. I guess it shows that everyone is different in what they can and can't handle right after surgery.