Denied - for gaining weight
Well I was denied! I got the call from my surgeons office this morning saying I was denied because "I continue to over eat, I gained 10 pounds, and that I won't be able to follow post op diet. Has anyone out there had this reason? I will appeal, but I don't know what to say. Any suggestions appreciated.
Since this post was quite sometime ago you may have already resolved your issue. My nutrionist put all patients wanting WLS on a strict protein/liquid fast to put their body into ketosis state. In ketosis state, which can be measured after 5 full days, to prove that you will have the will power to 1. follow instructions and 2. strict to the post-op diet. The diet also makes you lose weight, in 5 days I lost 12.25 lbs. It wasn't easy by the 3rd day I wanted to say the hell with it and cry but I figured if I came this far I might as well continue until Friday morning. I proved I'm strong mentally to handle the changes that will come. Speak to your nutrionist and see what they suggest.
The protein/liquid fast consisted of only 9 oz. of lean meat, 3 cups of chicken and/or beef broth, all the liquids I wanted as long as they were sugar free, and at least 32 oz. of water a day. I had to take a multivitamin and a supplement to replace my salt intake that I would be missing. I could only use the following seasoning salt, pepper, garlic powder and onion powder. That was it for 5 days and that is stricter than Atkins induction phase.
Like I said it was hard but it's what my doctor's office uses and it worked and now I'm waiting for approval.