Monthly cycle changes?
So I am 2 days away from surgery...(9/7) and have become an addict of these boards! In all my reading, I have not seen any posts on this. How has the surgery effected your cycles? I'm hoping it shortens and makes them lighter, but very interested to hear how all you post op folks are doing and how was that first year?
I'll see you all soon on the losing side!

Hi Renee,
I am six weeks post-op and have had 2 periods so far. The first one after the surgery was very light and I could get by with just a pad. This second one is much more normal (unfortunately!) except no cramps! I'm sure its because I'm eating so healthy and getting exercise. The good news is that it means my body is working totally normally.
Good luck to you!
Hi Renee!
First of all good luck with your surgery tomorrow. Wow, what a great post! I had been wondering the exact same thing. I have noticed that I have less problems when I eat right and exercise. The exercise really helps a lot. My concern is that I have fibroids (non-cancerous tumors) and the cramps I get are extremely painful. Normally I take Ibuprofen, but after the surgery, I'll only be able to take Tylenol. I just hope that it will be just as effective.
My body went through two to three months of awkwardness. I had three period within a month of surgery and I was freaking out. Then I got on birth control and kept having break through bleeding then they changed my pill and I've been fine ever since. Some months I'm heavy and others I'm normal. So, I guess it depends on your body.
Congrats ont he surgery!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wish you the best of luck! We'll be here when you return!!
For me they stayed right on schedule, however every other month is a real doozie for me (seeing obgny on this one because I don't think it is related to surgery I'm prone to cysts), heavy which is so not normal for me, on the bright side they only last three days now while pre-op they lasted 5-7 days.
My periods have been a mess since RNY surgery in November. I have had 4 and the last one has lasted since the 5th of January....ugh! I went to OB-GYN and they feel it is totally related to my WLS as I have never had any problems like this before. On the plus cramps to speak of and not as heavy as normal...just the inconvenience of it all. I am on the mini pill now and so far not much help but I have only been taking for 1 pill pack so I will stick it out another month and see what happens. I have really lost the weight fast though, I was on liquid protein for 2 months prior to get my BMI down and then the surgery and have currently lost 98 lbs.