
Hi there - this is me

on 8/23/06 2:53 pm - Hooksett, NH
Hi everyone, I'm 36, a law librarian, and am married with 2 children, a 4.75 year old girl and a 2 year old boy. I'm 5' 1.5" tall and weigh 280 lbs. I cannot stand it any longer. I've dealt with weight issues all my life - my best healthy weight time span was when I did Weigh****chers in high school and lost about 50 lbs. I then weighed 130 from the age of 16 through college and grad school, even got a little below that for a while! Walking around a college campus does wonders for your figure. I was healthy and liked my size. However, once I got my first professional job, driving a desk and computer, forget it. The weight began to slowly creep on. I managed to fight it off for a while by going to aerobics classes, but I am NOT good with stress and I eat my way through it. I also eat to hide emotions, both good and bad ones. I'm good at getting promoted but I'm not good at handling/dealing with the stress it brings! I now am dealing with back pain, joint pain, and plantar fasciitis, as well as some asthma and shortness of breath. I have decent blood pressure and good lab work but I think that is all just a matter of time. I'm just beginning the WLS research process and am absolutely freaking myself out. I have an appointment this Friday with my PCP who mentioned WLS as a possibility last December. Well, the time has come to talk to her about it. I know how to eat healthy and I understand that exercise is an absolute necessity - but until I lose some of this weight I can't effectively move to burn fat well! Any good words, thoughts, or humor is much appreciated! You all inspire me. Thank goodness I found this website. - Jen
Cruise Director Julie
on 8/24/06 2:59 am - Dallas, TX
RNY on 11/15/05 with
Jen; Congrats on taking the first steps toward a healthier and happier life. There's no reason to freak out over things. Freaking out doesn't burn enough calories to be useful. Just do your research and you will figure out which of the options is the right one for you. Keep us posted on your journey. Blessings, Jennifer
on 8/24/06 9:31 am - Hooksett, NH
Thank you, Jennifer - I'm feeling a bit calmer today though that might be because I was awake until 2 last night and am just too exhausted now to think too much. Anyway! My doc appt is in the morning and then after a full day's work I'll start a week's vacation with my family. It is long overdue and I hope I can just enjoy it without worrying too much, and without beating myself up for how little I can play with my kids. Onward! - Jen
Cruise Director Julie
on 8/24/06 11:05 am - Dallas, TX
RNY on 11/15/05 with
Jen; Again, you're taking the steps to make a dramatic change in your life. Don't beat yourself up for not doing it sooner. Enjoy your vacation...enjoy your children. They grow so fast, and I'm sure they love you just the way you are. Blessings, Jennifer
on 9/1/06 2:54 pm - Montclair, CA
Hi Jen and welcome! I share you sentiment in finding this site. I can also relate to your health issues. I'm finally ready to do something about it. It's not going to be easy, but it has come down to a matter of life and death and wanting a better quality of living. Living in pain is not living. Best of luck to you!
on 9/3/06 11:42 pm - Avon Park, FL
Girl you've come to the right place. We have to inspire each other because I have my slip up times and I have to refocus. I'm proud of you for taking the steps to a healthier you! Take care and keep us updated! WELCOME! Keke
Michelle B.
on 9/4/06 9:37 am - Pennsauken, NJ
Hi Jennifer, I too, am pre-op. But I feel like an old pro with all the doctors appt.'s and clearances I had to go through, without ObesityHelp, I would have probably scared myself off a year ago. I have high blood pressure, borderline diabetic, sciatica, plantar fascitis... I just went through a nuclear stress test, and I'm praying to not have to add heart trouble to my list of comorbidities. I decided a year ago, it was time to do this; having been scared of the thought for many years. I'm still scared to death, but everyone here keeps telling me that they don't regret it, and they're sorry they didn't do it sooner; so I am trying to keep the faith that I, too, will be a success story in less than a few months. All I can say, is, I never went to male doctors; and now, it seems that is not something I can always control, so out the door with humility, is what I've learned! Best of luck to you and I look forward to doing this together!
on 9/4/06 1:19 pm - Hooksett, NH
Thanks everyone - I appreciate your kind words and support! More in another thread... - Jen
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