`~`Hey I am Back Surgery was 20th Problem wonder if anyone else had this?`~`
M. Pickler
on 7/25/06 8:42 am
on 7/25/06 8:42 am
Hello everyone! I had my surgery the 20th of this month and DH wrote in to update. I felt as though I was alone and wondered why in the world did I do this to myself...!
I was grieving and missing my food that took care of me all negatively speaking. This is not easy and for those who think that they have prepared themselves you are in for a rude awakening.
I was doing great and in my hospital room walking nothing really hurt. I did not need the nurses as I plugged my own IV unit in and my leg inflatables in as well.
When I was home I smelled good food and seen it all around. Hubby cooks great and we have boys so they cant help it....
I had a very bad day yesterday and felt like I could not take it anymore...... I have snapped out of it. But, want to say this is a huge huge huge change in our lives!
I am so grateful for my husband who has been on my toes to keep my fluids going and protein.......
I am tired a ton and am waiting for this pain in my left side to go away!
I went to the doctors this morning and he said it was a pocket of blood behind some plate thingy........ So a hematoma. And it is so painful pain medication is not cutting it!
It will get better and I thank all of you who have emailed me and reply to my post!
Melissa, welcome back...
You went into this with a lot of prayer and good wishes.....Don't worry honey, most of us wonder "why the heck" we went throught with this. In a few weeks you will start to see changes and you WILL know "why". Glad to hear everything went well in surgery and the hospital. Remember it is a life changing process, your life will change, it is up to you to make it a good change. Sounds like you have a supportive hubby, please let him know how much you appreciate him.
I also had pain on my left side, it went away in a week or so. My doctor explaine dthat they do the majority of manipulating on that side,, however it does go away. If it is unbearable contact your doctor, that is why he there...........................................
I'm sure that you have lost weight already...good luck on you 1 week visit..
Way to go, you should be proud.....
warm rergards, carolbear
Hey Melissa!
I had a major depression when I was in the hospital and for the first 2 weeks.
As soon as I got to my first follow up appt...it seemed to get better, esp. knowing that I will be able to eat some FOODS again soon.
It is such a MAJOR life change.
I went to my first SUPPORT meeting too, at the hospital and that was great. Everyone laughs and shares all of their own life changes and little annoyances and some OOPS' too.
Make sure you get to a support group, they are grrrreat!
Enjoy your new life change.
You made a great choice.
Make sure that you call the Dr. with any problems, as you did.
They are there to take care of YOU and this is NOW about YOU!!!!!