Newbie to the site
hello all,
This is my first post. I've been debating for several years on having the surgery and now that I finally have a date set I have been so nervious with butterflies. I have finally told a couple people at my work because they will eventually find out and ask questions. Sometimes I think people don't think before they speak. Everyone wants to be in your shoes and tell you don't need the surgery and to do it on your own. I've tired so many different diets none working completely. I had a coworker say to me and another coworker that she had best get to working out again since I'm having surgery.
Fear of being the biggest in the office I think. At first I couldn't believe someone would actually say something like that but then again people always seem to amaze me on judging others. At times like this you really find out who your true friends are. My family supports me and that's all that matters.
What did you all do to get the nerves settled down?
My nerves didn't settle until I woke up in the recovery room. And I hated not shopping while awaiting my surgery since I knew those clothes weren't going to be in my wardrobe for long. Now, I buy a few pieces here and there, but the most I've gotten to wear something lately before it's too big is 5 times. I can't wait to be at goal to go CRAZY shopping!
253 / 161 / 137
Welcome Susan !!!!
Hey, try working in surgery where everybody knows you
talk about zero privacy!
All in all everything has been great. I to was very nervous, I had tons of questions, Can I do this without surgery? what if I die, who will take care of my kids? will I have more complications than I do now? will I regret my decision? am I being selfish? vain? blah blah blah. I began to stress out that I came down with the flu ( I secrately wanted to get sick so that my surgery would be canceled and I wouldn't have to be the one to cancel it). My sisters called me the night before and told me in plain english "you have tried many things and are unable to do this on your own, you are physically and healthwise hurting, and you have come a long way to get to this day, don't look back just look forward to the rest of your life".
I love my sisters for making me go thru with it....I am truly happy, my health has dramatically improved and I am now truly happy and getting lots and lots of compliments. I work out 4 to 5 days a week, cardio and weights, and I do have to say that I am looking really good!!!!!!
Good luck and think about why you began this process!!!!!!!!!
It is really nice to be on the losing side (for once)...
Warm regards Carolbear