Taking Forever....
Hi All, I am not really new, but I hardly ever post. I keep trying to find people who are in my situation. I am in the "process", I have gotten my Upper GI, Pysch consult, and I will be on my third of six required supervised weight loss visits. But I am having a ton of emotions. I feel eager, like I want it right now and the days can't go bye fast enough, also that I am eating "lately" worse than ever. In my head I think well I am borderline to getting the surgery so if I gain a couple pounds it will just look better (5'9, 269)? Does that make since? I feel like it is a very personal situation and family members are saying I don't need the surgery. (Thanks Mom -for telling everyone, when I wanted to keep it quiet until I felt ready to let people know). Anyway My husband is a help and a henderance, he says I should work with weights as to try to avoid any sagging skin (30yr) and then he brings me Ben & Jerry Chubby Hubby ice cream and its like in the moment I want it, then I think why did I eat that, I know I am suppose to be training myself to excersie and eat better. I did give up Diet Pepsi (which I drank like it was air) and coffee, I was working out 35 min every other day until I came down with a cold and I have slacked to just about 15 to 20 min but if feel like I know I have to give up the sweets and so I think mentally I am consuming more because I know that once I have the surgery that will all have to change. But I realize I have to train myself now in order to truly be successful and keep the weight off.
Anyway summer is here and I am going up, up, up in my weight, I'm out growing my already fat clothes, it just sucks, I guess I'm in a funk, all I do is read the post but I would like to hear more from pre op people that aren't looking at surgery (if approved****il Oct. Nov. Oh, buy the way me and my sister are doing this together, we have helped each other and it is really nice to go through this process together. Anyway thanks for letting me vent, any advice is appreciated. Sorry for the LLLLLLLong post
M. Pickler
on 6/20/06 12:44 pm
on 6/20/06 12:44 pm
My date is July 19.....Sorry no advice as of what to see or feel with it.My husband is the same way though. I am 30 very soon to be 31....two boys and yes I gained about 10 ponds since I got my date....Same reason as you as well. Shame on your mom.........Ok had to put that in there. I feel for you and do understand what you are feeling I to felt the same way as you. I am still up and down on a daily basis.
email me anytime
[email protected] great you have your sister. Is she going though the same type of emotions?
Don't you just love moms? Mine did the same thing with my surgery.
I'm 7 months post-op. I know it's hard right now, but keep plugging along, because being on the other side is waaaay better than I even dreamed it could be.
Congrats on going through the process with your sister. It's great to have someone going through exactly the same experiences to keep you up when you're down.
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