Out of work...
I was only out for a week. I had surgery on a Monday and went back to work the following Tuesday. I did feel very tired the first day so I decided to work half days for the resst of the week. It really depends on what kind of work you do. If you have a desk job, I would plan on 2 weeks and maybe just work half days the 2nd week to get back into the swing of things. It will also depend on how you deal with the surgery. I had no complications after Ileft the hospital.
Thanks for the great responses!
I have a desk job as well, very low stress and usually just write advertising tickets all day. I am trying to see if I could only take a week off. It sucks cause i started first week of January.
I am so excited that the time is getting closer! Today is my 22nd birthday, and my mom got me a bunch of goodies.. even a Magic Bullet to make shakes and stuff! Tomorrow is my psych appointment and the 28th... last appointment with the suregon! I am so glad its finally coming!
I was only in the hospital overnight, like 23 hours. I see on some posts that some people stay in the hospital for several days, not sure if it is because of complications or because that is the way their doctor does it. My surgery was considered out-patient, unless of course there had been complications. I actually went shopping on Wed after my surgery on Monday, just for about 30 mins. I was very tired, but it got me up and kept me from just sitting around. It is all just how you feel after your surgery. I know that everyone does not have the same experience. I found though that the more I attempted to move around, the quicker the soreness went away.
I am sure this is not the norm, but I went back to work exactly one week post op. I did part time for two weeks then. My boss is wonderful and I did not have to lift, touch, or get up for anything... it was a bit exhasting the first week back, but I would have gone stir crazy if I did not go back so soon.