Lots of NEW pics!
This is what I had a hard time with, but finally figured out. I'm not sure if this process is the same for everyone, but this is what I did. When I put the pics on the computer from my digital camera, I can right-click on them and click on edit. Then it takes me to that paint program that comes with every computer. Then I choose the image tab at the top, and then click on stretch/skew. Then you get a box and you have to do a trial and error thing. I usually put 30 in the horizontal and vertical boxes and then click ok. The pic should be smaller. If it's still not the size ou want it, just hit undo and put different nuimbers in the boxes. Just make sure they are the same number for the Vert and hor. Then just save it and then do the normal photobucket thing. I'm not sure if that makes sense or not. Hope it helps.
Lap RNY 8-16-05