Got my (2nd) Date!!!
Hiya, I was approved and scheduled to go to surgery last month on Nov 11, but the day before they told me I still needed one more med test for an abdominal ultrasound. After I got that all cleared up they told me I'm scheduled for sometime in Jan. But after persuading them, I got it bumped to Dec 14th next week. They said I'll be the 3rd case that day for the doctor, so wish me luck. Also I gotta question all the drinkin buddies are hounding me about, How soon after surgery can you booze it up? I know its prolly bad for me, but I jus need a date to throw at em. Thanx.
Hello Andrew
I went to the doc yesterday for my 3 month check up. Tomorrow is my b-day, but I am celebrating on Saturday. I asked my doc about drinking. He said at 3 months it should be ok, just remember that our systems will not be able to handle as much as before. I would still ask your dr it may vary. Congrats on your new date.
J Lo
stay away from beer, that's for dang sure. it took my dad a good 6 months before he could handle one and i'm waiting at least that long. really, i haven't been tempted to drink like i used to. mostly because drinking and eating in general are no longer pleasurable activities. meaning, it's more about getting nutrients/liquids in, less about enjoying mass quantities. so you might be surprised at how little you want to drink.
that being said, every body is different. what works for one, doesn't work for another. so i'd wait a few months, maybe 2-3 and try a small drink with baby sips. see how the first few sips goes down and makes you feel after 15-20 min. and be prepared for a quick trip to the bathroom. dumping/puking/loose stools is a pretty common experience if you push your body too soon. welcome to the lovely realities of life post-surgery!