Spruce up profile??
Hey guys, I was just wondering how some of you have really nice profiles and the rest of us don't??? That's not fair, lol. Just curious how you did it. Someone tried to explain it to me one time, but confused me. She talked about html and stuff like that????
Lap RNY 8-16-05
Email [email protected] and tell them you want your profile spruced up.
You will then get an automatic email asking your some questions like..
Your OH user name, OH ID # , password, what color you want your profile to be and what you want as your theme.
It also ask if you have a link to what you want on there, link it to the email.
I knew that I wanted Mickey Mouse on my profile so I did a google search for.. " Free Mickey Mouse clipart". I found a site and attached the link to the email with all my info on it.
Whatever OH volunteer is going to do your profile will email you later and verify your info.
It took about 2 1/2 weeks to get my done.
If you are familiar with HTML, you can do it yourself.
Good luck,
I added music/video to my journal last night from www.videocodezone.com It's free and I really like it. Now I think I will find some graphics and email a volunteer to help me. Thanks for the help.
Lap RNY 8-16-05
Thank you! and your welcome for the website address. Someone told me how to center everything a long time ago. Type < center > (but all together) at the top of your profile, or where you want the centering to begin. I think you have to type < / center > (all together) at the end also, I can't remember that part, but try it and if it doesn't work then maybe you don't have to put that at the end. Hope this helps.
Lap RNY 8-16-05