what should i bring to the hospital with me?
Hi eveyone I brought all kind of stuff I didn't even take out of the bag just because I was so excited. but the Must have's Toothbrush and toothpaste, a brush and something to pull your hair back, pajamas because you will change out of the gown (i did as soon as I woke up), maybe a pillow to hold against your tummy for the ride home, and the most important thing is chap stick or something, because for the first couple of days you will not be drinking anything just ice chips and the chapstick helps you not be so thirsty. Good luck to all on your upcoming surgeries. Keep us posted on how you are doing. And just incase you are intrested I started at 287 had surgery on 6-9 and today I am at 201 so keep your chins up your time is coming
Thank you for all the comments. I have heard from many people to bring chapstick because your lips get dry, so I am definitely going to pack this. I also think that a CD player would help out because you can listen to music when your in and out of it...I also would love to see the list.
Thanks again, Finda Nessy
Hey guys,
Well here is what I took to the hospital with me.
- loose sweat pants and a loose sweatshirt for when you leave the hospital.
- Baby wipes to clean up with. You can take a shower but the thought of taking a shower with my drains in didn't seem like a good idea to me.
- magazines or something to do.
- toothbrush and toothpaste
- socks and slippers
- pillow for the ride home because you will feel ever bump in the road.
Good LUCK!!! I am thinking about you guys! I just got back from having a ultrasound of my gallbladder...no big trouble my bloodwork was off and so my surgeon thinks it may be my gallbladder. I just hope I don't need surgery to take it out cause I have no money saved up....
Anyways take care everybody!
I brought:
1. CD player and CD case
2. Book
3. Magazines
4. Yarn for crochet
5. Robe
6. Pjs
Now here are the things I also brought but actually used, lol:
7. Non-slip slippers for walking
8. Loose fitting underwear and clothes for when you go home.
9. Chap stick
10. Brush and hair tie (I have long hair and it was driving me crazy so I just put it all up in a pony-tail on top of my head and I didn't care who saw me!)
11. Tooth brush and toothpaste
Don't worry with trying to bring stuff to occupy your mind like I did. You will be sleeping a lot and I just kept the TV on all day and slept through most of it and at night, they had a radio button on the TV remote and the music came from it. Hope this helps.
Lap RNY 8-16-05
I ended up bringing way more than I used, so I would reccomend sticking to the basics:
~toothbrush, toothpaste
~brush...something to keep your hair out of your way
~extremely loose, comfortable clothes for the trip home. You could just wear whatever you plan to go home in, to the hospital on surgery day
~some slip on shoes
~cd player, music...maybe some other stuff to entertain you. I didnt really use mine when I brought it, but i know a lot of people do.
~might be a good idea to invest in some of those moistoned cottonelle wipes. I had a problem with being able to wipe, and in my delirium ended up using the sani-wipes thinking they were a replacement for TP ...needless to say, my booty was not happy
ha ha ha, okay thats just my two cents