got first appointment!
Hey everyone,
Letting you guys know that I scheduled my... well, second appointment with my medical practitioner at Kaiser for tomorrow at 2:30pm. I am all nerves. I talked with him about 1 year ago and I think it was my own belief in the surgery that stopped me. But I believe I am ready now and want to go through with it. Anyway, If I could have your thoughts and prayers that this will be my SOLID first step at getting surgery, and if you have any suggestions for me or questions I could ask my doctor tomorrow, that'd be greatly appreciated! It's happening guys, I am so excited!
My first appt. I was really nervous but it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.... I guess my problem is, I was embarrsed to admit that I needed this surgery, not that everyone that I meet can't already tell I have a major weight problem, it's just that vocalizing it is something else, I guess!!! I hope your appt. went great today, let us all know how it went!!