Any post-opps out there that....
Revision on 10/29/12
working out firms your muscles but skin has collagen which gets stretched with weight gain. some people's collagen bounces back while most have a least a bit of a problem. good luck!!
There are a lot of variables here....#1 thing to remember is that skin that has stretch marks is perminently damaged skin! A lot of the skin elaticity has a lot to do with how much over weight you were and how long you were overweight...and how well you took care of your skin.
Many people say that it has to do with your age but I'm 28 and started at 274, lost 111 lbs and have to have an extended tummy tuck. I have so much stretched out skin on my tummy that it is literally pulling my muscles and tearing them off my abdomine...I carried most of my weight in my stomach.
The best analogy I can come up with is blow a balloon up, then let the air out....who much will it go back to it's original size....depends on how old the balloon was(age), how long it was full of air(how long you were overweight), sitting in the sun(skin care)...what kind of layex was it(skin type).
Everyone is different!!!!