can you help me?
Hi Finda...
I just had my pre-admission testing yesterday and they did several different tests.. The first (don't get scared) is blood tests. They took 3 or 4 viles of blood out of my right arm.. Which only hurts for a second when they put the needle in and is done very quickly! Then I was brought into a room and they did a temperature and blood pressure, I then had an ultr-sound to look at my gallbladder and pancreas... which took abut 20 mins. Then I had a chest X-Ray and a pulmonary test and another test that measured my blood/oxygen levels (I don't remember what this was called) There was also an EKG all of which were done quickly and without any pain! After all the testing I met with a physician who did a quick medical history and physical... listened to my breathing etc.. and he signed off on my paperwork basically clearing me for surgery. And of course there was meetings with the nutritionist. All in all I was in at 8:30am and out of the hospital by 11am and it all went very very smoothly and was painless! No need to worry.