How Has Life Changed For You?

on 3/7/12 9:20 am
 So being that this forum is for people in their 20's, I just am wondering how life has changed for you since having WLS and losing weight? Relationship-wise, friendships, socially, etc...Anything! What has happened you never expected to good/bad? Thanks for your feedback! 
on 3/27/12 3:56 pm
 I dont want to seem like the debbie downer but I will describe what has happened in my life.

I had surgery 12/15/10 and since then I broke off an engagement, began dating, lost a lot of friends due to jealousy (was even drugged by one of them) but have also gained back old best friends who I should've never left years before. I learned that mental preparation for the surgery is nearly impossible. It's really something that has to be experienced on its own.  I've gone on anti-depressants since surgery and they have helped.  Being in the "skinny" group is different when you've been in the "fat group" your whole life.  It's really a mind f***.  I'm extremely grateful for the wls and the plastics i've had done.  My entire life has changed and eventually it was going to happen so in a way i'm grateful it happend all at once.  It's a lot different for me going into clubs or bars because I was never hit on before due to being overweight and being in a relationship.  

My mind still needs time to catch up with my body.  I don't think of myself as an ugly person but I do not see what others see when they say i'm beautiful.  It's something I hope overtime I can see and feel.   Anyways, I hope this helped lol
* Nicole *
on 3/28/12 4:09 am

For me its been the best thing I have ever done.

BUT I also didn't accept myself when I was fat. I knew I wasnt who I was supposed to be. I never accepted the BBW mind frame, but also never wanted to be a skinny mini. Under the fat suit I knew who I was meant to be. WLS just allowed me to fully be me and to my potential.

I've lost "friends" (they really werent true friends). I only dated 2 guys when I was heavy they didnt last as I wasnt happy with them. After WLS I had my confidence, dated had fun doing it for once. Now I've got a great bf. I never brought up surgery its not their buisness in my opinion. Ive only had a tummy tuck, I have loose skin in other areas but a good person does not care. Ive never had any of them say anything, well the ones I got into bed with that is. Actually I had more sex pre tummy tuck then post, LOL go figure.

Socially I've always been "selectively" extroverted, Im better in small groups than really large ones. But I'm way happier with my close group of friends so thats the introvert. I dont feel ackward in public, I dont feel like people are staring at me. Honestly the opposite sex attraction I ignore,lol. I work in a male dominated field I know how to be friendly without showing "intrest".

What havent I expected....that 6.5 years post WLS Id be as happy as ever!

DS Aug 15th,2005 @ goal, living life and loving it.

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