Why did I only just realize this forum was around? Hello everyone!
For some reason I never realized there were forums categorized by age on OH and I just found this by accident.... *facepalm* WOW! Finally, people my age who totally get it. I feel like I missed out on getting to talk to people I could relate to for the past year and 8 months of my life. It's nice going through and seeing all these posts and thinking "Oh my god! Me too!" and reading about people's success.
Anyways, hi everyone!!!
Anyways, hi everyone!!!

On December 21, 2011 at 12:32 AM Pacific Time, Kate N. wrote:
For some reason I never realized there were forums categorized by age on OH and I just found this by accident.... *facepalm* WOW! Finally, people my age who totally get it. I feel like I missed out on getting to talk to people I could relate to for the past year and 8 months of my life. It's nice going through and seeing all these posts and thinking "Oh my god! Me too!" and reading about people's success. Anyways, hi everyone!!!

RNY on 11/01/12

“Victory is won not in miles but in inches. Win a little now, hold your ground, and later, win a little more.? Louis L'Amour quote
Twitter: @ScrogginsFamily