Well, I am back from my appointment and I feel a lot better. I had started this surgical program at 292 and needed to lose 25 pounds in order to get the surgery. Needless to say I ballooned LOL and I am now up to 305. That would mean about 40 pounds I would have to lose total to get back down to the required 267. Well, GOOD NEWS is that my surgeon today told me to start doing my labs which is the first step before surgery date and that instead of the 40 pounds I would have had to lose that she is reducing the weight requirement to 20 pounds from my current weight. That means I only have to get down to 285 and shes giving me 8 weeks to do it. She also told me to start now with the weight loss because if I can get down 20 pounds in less that the 8 week time frame, she will see me the same day I lose the final pounds, verify that I am at the required 285, and submit for authorization that same day. plan is to work really hard and try for 2-3 weeks and get that 20 out of the way. After she submits for approval, it should take 2-4 weeks for a response but she said that for the last year or so, they have been getting responses from insurance in about 1 week, 2 weeks maximum. Basically this all means that if I stick to my 20 pounds goal in 3 weeks, I could have my surgery in about 6 weeks total. Thats the 1st or 2nd week of January. So thank you all for your well wishes and prayers and please continue to pray for me so I can shed this 20 pounds. I think the number 20 is still freaking me out a bit BUT if I take it 5 pounds at a time, its really not that much. Love you all!