when to tell...
I'd say your best bet would be to wait for a "natural" moment to do it. If you deliberately tell me that you've had WLS, then (if I'm a half way decent guy) would have to tell you that you look great but then what? Since you brought it up, it is obviously a very important milestone in your life, but what questions would be appropriate for me to ask? If I asked you how much you weighed originally and I expressed shock at how much weight you've lost, would it offend you? Having had WLS, I could probably handle it better than most guys but it could be potentially awkward.
Naturally, you need to do what you think feels right. I'm just trying to point out some of the pitfalls of rushing into it. Or maybe you want to get any "awkwardness" out of the way upfront. It's really up to you.
I'm very open about my surgery with everybody. i love to say i had it lol.. I meet my bf on OH so he knew i had surgery LOL but............i'd wait to see if the relationship is going somewhere. like a few dates and wait for the best natural way to bring it up...... if the subject comes up in the first date just go natural and say it. but don't make a big deal out of it! cuz you are way more than just a "surgery" it does not define who you are as person.
so just say like yeah i had WLS im very happy healthy person now. n that's it. if he asks you more cuestions answer them being so proud of your surgery, that would make you think you are confident and sexy.... men love confident woman that's what make us sexy no mater what size you where or are now. so just show you are confortable in your own skin :)
Good luck!!! i hope this is a great guy the relation ship is going somewhere!
Do you feel the need to tell someone you had your tonsils removed? Or other medical procedures.
There is really no point in bringing it up. When newly post-op yes WLS can consume a lot of your mind so why its at the fore front of your mind, it aint on theirs. Most guys just don't care if we had surgery, only the ones you don't want in your life care if you did.( aka superficial asses).
I told a handful but really never let it come out without being asked, aka the scars or why some days I ate less than others. (Im still like that to this day 6 years post op, some days 4 bites and im full...even with a DS).
Guy I'm currently with, knows I've had 3 surgeries, 2 to save my life and 1 for incisional hernias. Nothing more. If things really progress(thinkin they will) then I'll get more in depth as if I ever end up in the ER and unable to speak, I want him to know what to tell the Drs.
DS Aug 15th,2005 @ goal, living life and loving it.
"An Arabian will take care of its owner as no other horse will, for it has not only been raised to physical perfection, but has been instilled with a spirit of loyalty unparalleled by that of any other breed."
My situation was sort of similar, but reversed.
I started my relationship about 2 months prior to my surgery date.
I did not tell him right away... we met online, we talked and texted for 2 weeks, finally had our first date face-to-face...and I didn't tell him until date #2. That's when I felt the most comfortable with him (at that time)...
I think you need to really play it by ear. If you are into him and you are a good judge of character...then bring it up in conversation when you feel it's right. Don't be ashamed to tell him though, because it's who you are NOW.
Keep your head up gorgeous! You will be fine!!! Now.... GO GET YOUR MAN!