loose skin??
i know a big issue for a lot of people when they have wls is the loose skin that kind of just hangs out once the weight is gone. however, a lot of people are telling me that shouldn't be an issue for me as long as i work out because i'm so young. from those of you that have had your wls, are you having issues with loose skin or has it mostly gone back where it's supposed to be?
My skin bounced back pretty well. My belly, and boobs are they only part of me that im not really happy about. I have some lose skin around my mid section, and my boobs are kinda saggy now. I went for a PS consult and he thought a TT and breast lift with augmentation would be a good idea for me. But Im holding off on any PS till after I have kids, if I even do it. Its a cost thing too. But I would take my body how it is now any day over being how I used to be. It doesnt stop me from enjoying my life, and doesnt hold me back from anything. Working out can only do so much.
If you want to get somewhere you have to know where you want to go and how to get there. Then never, never, never, give up!
HW/256 SW/248 CW/137 GW/140
*goal reached in 8 months*
* Proud Mommy to Parker Joseph 4/27/13 *
i already know i'm screwed in the boob department because they're saggy now pre-op and nearly DD so i expect them to shrink and they'll probably look all deflated and gross haha
that's definitely something i want to have ps for and apparently there are ways to get insurance to cover a lift so i'm crossing my fingers on that. i won't mind my boobs and tummy, though. it's the arms and legs that really freak me out

oh girl!! I thank God everyday for Victoria Secrets! I was a saggy DD before surgery, and Now I am a Saggy in between C and D. ITs mostly just loose skin, no meat so to speak. And a padded victoria secrets bar does WONDERS. I also bought these silicone inserts from Walmart for lik $10 to give them a little boost every once in awhile.
The skin sucks but I'd take the loose skin over the fat anyday!!!
The skin sucks but I'd take the loose skin over the fat anyday!!!
I think everyone says that ppl to try and make them feel better. :-/
Maybe if I only had like alittle over 100 to lose than maybe it wouldn't be bad, but I've got 200+ to lose to get to a normal BMI. With that much weight loss chances are I'll have loose skin like a mofo. I think a good rule of thumb for judging how bad your skin will be is taking a gander at your skin/body now. Do you already have hangy bits? Do you have a lot of stretch marks? If so, those are both signs that we've lost a decent amount of our skin's elasticity.
Not trying to pop your bubble, or sound overly negative.
I keep telling myself, no matter what, excess skin is alot easier to hide than excess fat.
Maybe if I only had like alittle over 100 to lose than maybe it wouldn't be bad, but I've got 200+ to lose to get to a normal BMI. With that much weight loss chances are I'll have loose skin like a mofo. I think a good rule of thumb for judging how bad your skin will be is taking a gander at your skin/body now. Do you already have hangy bits? Do you have a lot of stretch marks? If so, those are both signs that we've lost a decent amount of our skin's elasticity.
Not trying to pop your bubble, or sound overly negative.
I keep telling myself, no matter what, excess skin is alot easier to hide than excess fat.
I knew loose skin would be an issue after WLS especially since I had 255 lbs I needed to lose. I was told by some that it would go back since I'm young but this wasn't true at all. I have lost 200 lbs so far in 2 years time. My arms are the worse. When I lift my arms straight out to the side I can see where my small arm should be. I hate it but its better than weighing 454 lbs. My arms are really the only thing that bothers me since I can't really even where short sleeves without thinking my arms look disgusting. I don't really have loose skin anywhere else but I think thats only because I have more to lose as far as my stomach and legs go. My boobs well those weren't great to begin with pre-op so I continue to wear the same type of bra I did pre-op just a smaller size. I love the plunge bra from Lane Bryant-I went from a DD to now a D but my boobs look really small without a bra on because they are saggy. I would recommened exercising as much as you can with weights to tone everything up while you are losing. I didn't workout right away after surgery so I think this is the main reason my arms are so bad. I'm working out as much as I can now so I'm hoping that my stomach and legs won't end up being that bad but either way I will be looking into plastics once I've reached goal. Good Luck and Congrats on your surgery!
MY BOOBS!! (cries in corner)
Well everything else is fine. Not great - not normal for my age. Just, fine.
Well everything else is fine. Not great - not normal for my age. Just, fine.
Vida Cambio
(Weight loss in progress)
I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.
Highest Weight: 302 Started Researching WLS Weight : 275 Surgery Weight : 240
Current Weight : 175
GW : 164 Long term GW : 140
I have lost 90ish lb. so far and my skin is already starting to sag. Thing is, anyone who tells you "O it will be OK your young" doesn't know what there talking about. There are many factors when it comes to loose skin such as Age, Genetics, How much weight you lose, Sun exposure, Nutrition and water intake & Smoking. I know I will have extra skin and to be honest I'm OK with that. I am just happy to be losing weight at this point in my life. I didn't have much of a social life if any while going through high school and college because of my weight. Once I lose my weight I will deal with the skin problem then. One step at a time.
Good luck on your journey and hope all goes well.
Good luck on your journey and hope all goes well.
(deactivated member)
on 1/21/11 11:20 am
on 1/21/11 11:20 am
Ok anyone who says there skin isn't that bad didn't have to lose 200 pounds. AND anyone who says oh it doesn't really bother them is still losing and in the honeymoon phase of the weight loss. The truth is that they need to stop telling people in there 20's the skin won't be a problem it is. I was told the skin wouldn't be a problem and for a long time felt like a failure because I was still so disgusted with my body. I had a lower body lift in October and feel like a different person. The truth is that especially being a woman in your 20's you're going to have this huge accomplishment under belt and it's not going to feel like it because when you start dating your going to have to explain why your a size 12 but have an apron of dimpled sagging skin before you get intimate with someone. Having to explain that you used to weigh over 300 pounds and that your body is deformed because of it is just as embarrassing as being over 300 pounds was trust me. I'm just being honest not trying to scare you but really be realistic and start thinking about how you can pay for plastic surgery if insurance wont cover it there are residency programs start talking to your family if that's an option get a second job and start saving trust me when you reach the end of your weight loss your going to want to salvage as much of your 20's as you have left. It's funny too because I said the same thing I didn't think my stomach would bother me it was my arms and legs I was worried about well in the end it all came down to my stomach and I plan on getting my arms and breasts done in the next year but if I never do I can honestly say I am happy with my body. Before plastics after I reached goal I felt like having that skin was damaging it was like carrying around my old self with me everyday and it was forcing me to constantly have to explain myself to people. Anyway don't let this scare you just be realistic and plan for the future because when the day comes that you reach goal and you haven't planned ahead you will wish you had.