2.5 Days Left of the Old Me
So.. Today I realized I only have the rest of today and 2 more days if being the old "fat" me!! I will admit there's a little piece of me that is kind of sad to leave this version of me because it is what I'm use to, but I know that at the other end is a NEW NONE FAT version of me!!!
On Thursday I start my 2 week pre-op diet. I don't think it will be too horrible. 2 of my 3 meals will be protein shakes. The 3rd meal is 4-6oz meat/fish and 1/2 C of veggies. I can have 2 to 3 snacks daily of either 1/2 protein shake, 1oz beef jerky, 1 peice low fat string cheese, or 1/2 C of veggies.
I know I previously posted and asked "Can I do this?" I know I can... I know it's not going to be easy... but I KNOW I CAN DO IT!!!!
On Thursday I start my 2 week pre-op diet. I don't think it will be too horrible. 2 of my 3 meals will be protein shakes. The 3rd meal is 4-6oz meat/fish and 1/2 C of veggies. I can have 2 to 3 snacks daily of either 1/2 protein shake, 1oz beef jerky, 1 peice low fat string cheese, or 1/2 C of veggies.
I know I previously posted and asked "Can I do this?" I know I can... I know it's not going to be easy... but I KNOW I CAN DO IT!!!!